Chapter 7

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"How's it feeling?" I look at Pope and nod. "Feels good." "Alright, I'm taking you down." I nod. "Okay." He brings me down in the bucket that he was using to move me up and down using a contraption they made. We try to figure out where John B is and like saying his name summoned him he walks up but he doesn't seem right.

He completely ignores us and goes inside. Confused we follow after him and he's searching through all his stuff. We ask him if he's ok but he just ignores us as he continues searching for who knows what. Finally he finds what he's looking for but it's a gun. We try to stop him but he pushes both JJ and Pope away.

I check on JJ as I help him up and Kie checks on Pope. We follow after John B and he's already on a motorbike. I look at him. "John B, what is wrong?" "Ward knows about the gold! He killed my dad." I freeze and my eyes widen. Kie, JJ, and Pope try to run after him but I feel like my feet are frozen to the ground.

That can't be true, can it? But why would John B lie? It's such a weird thing to lie about. I'm confused and I'm shocked. Ward has always been like my second dad. He treats me like I'm his child. That same Ward couldn't have just killed Big John. But also the way John B was acting, I don't think he's lying.

Kie, JJ, and Pope all run off to their boat to go to Ward's house and I tell them I'll stay behind in case he comes back.  I'm in the bathroom when I hear John B's voice sound through the house. When I'm done, I find John B in his dad's office sobbing. "Hey." He turns quickly and relaxes when he sees it's just me. 

I sit beside him and he looks at me. "You believe me, don't you?" I put my arm around his shoulder. "I don't know why you would lie so yeah, I believe you." He looks at the picture of his dad in his hand. "I miss him." He starts crying and I lean on his shoulder as he lets it out. I can't imagine going through all the struggles he has at such a young age.

Suddenly he stands up and grabs my hand pulling me up as well. He grabs a tiny basket and a candle. He lights the candle and puts it in the tiny basket along with his dad's photo and he takes me to the platform by the water he has and places the photo into sea. I sit beside him as we watch it float away. 

The next morning I wake up still on the deck. John B is asleep a few metres away from me. He stirs when I stir and he looks at me. "Hey." I nod. "Hi." "You wanna go check on the gold?" I nod cause I have nothing better to do. I get in his van and we drive to where the gold is hidden. When we get there, there is a for sale sign sitting there and John B panics.

He runs in and there's a wheelbarrow written "Cameron" on it. Oh, god. We run to the well where the gold actually is and the door to the place where the well is hidden is open. This can't be good. John B climbs down the well and I wait up for him at the top. I hear him screaming "No!" over and over again and I know we've lost the gold. 

Later that day Kie and JJ join us and John B tells them that Ward took the gold. Obviously everyone's down in the dumps as I sit next to Kiara. John B rips of his cast which I don't think is a good idea but I don't have to voice it because Kie does it for me. Suddenly pounding footsteps are heard and Pope runs up to us.

"Oh! Oh! Oh, God. I just ran all the way here." I wrinkle my nose. "Why?" He ignores me. JJ looks at him. "How was your interview, Pope?" "Don't ask." We all nod. "JB. Look, I'm sorry dude. About everything." "It's fine." "But-- but I don't have a lot of time, and-- and I have information that is tactically relevant.  So,  before I had my interview, my dad said he was going down to the private airstrip to cut palms for Cameron's big plan." 

This catches everyones attention. "Because it was too heavy, it needed a longer landing strip to take off. So, I'm there sitting in the interview thinking to myself, "Hm. Why would Cameron need a longer airstrip to take off? What could be so heavy to weigh it down?" JJ and  I speak up at the same time. "Gold." John B nods. "That's right."

Pope frantically waves his hand. "Exactly. Guys, this is our chance, but it leaves tonight, and we have to go." Kie hopes down. "Guys, we can't give up now." I look at John B. "What's the plan, big man?" He looks at us. "We're gonna steal that shit back." We sit in the van planning as John B drives. 

We get there and we exit the van stopping in front of the fence looking out. John B is looking through binoculars and he tells us Ward got there. Suddenly he pulls the binoculars down from his face and the look on his face makes it seem like something ain't right. "What is it, John B?" "It's Sarah." I look at him with wide eyes. 

Then he speaks again. "Wait a minute he's hurting her." My eyes widen. John B runs to his van and I run after him. I get in beside him and he looks at me as if he's gonna tell me to get out. "She's my best friend." He nods before driving off with me in the car. He drives through the fence and that cracks the windshield.

"What's your plan big man?" "I'm not gonna tell you cause of how stupid it sounds." I nod. "I accept that." We drive up to the plane that's trying to take off and Sarah sees us and John B yells reassuring words at her telling her she's gonna be okay. Ward starts yelling at us to get off the runway but JB speeds up and over takes him. 

Suddenly he stops and I close my eyes hoping he knows what he's doing and he's not about to get us killed. When I feel no pain I open my eye and the plane stopped just in time. I get out the car with John B and Ward is yelling at us, John B especially. Sarah comes running at us and launches herself between Ward and John B, grabbing John B.

Ward tries to grab her but she pushes him away pushing closer to John B. Suddenly the sound of sirens fill the air and a cop car drives through. Sarah tells John B to leave but he refuses to go. Sheriff Peterkin exits the car and Ward starts spinning his story. "Put your hands on your head." Ward turns back to John B looking cocky.

"I'd do what she says, kid."  But then she pulls out a gun and points it at Ward. John B looks at him. "I think she's talking to you, Ward." He turns in surprise and she keeps her gun pointed. "You're under arrest for the murder of Big John Routledge." He tries to argue but she stands her ground telling him to put his hands on his head. 

Finally he complies and he makes her turn around and get on his knees. She tries to handcuff him but he pushes her away and she brings her gun out ready for anything when there's a gunshot. I close my eyes as I flinch. When I open my eyes, Ward is fine and suddenly Sheriff Peterkin drops to the ground. Sage and Rafe come out from the corner, with Rafe holding the gun. I feel the tears brimming my eyes as Rafe points his gun at us.  

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