You left her all alone rafe pt.5

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"I could ask you the same question" Rafe replied with a clenched jaw. "Rafe please don't not right now" I pleaded. I grabbed Rafes lower jaw and made him face me. "Look up for me"I requested trying to make him focus on me. "Did daddy finally have enough of your druggie bullshit!" JJ mocked. With out hesitation, Rafe leaped out of his chair and stormed towards JJ. "What was that maybank?" He questioned as he gripped JJs t-shirt. "Guys stop!" I ordered but they were both filled with anger. "Your heard kook!" JJ spat. He pushed Rafe which made him losen his grip. I took that as a chance to get in between them before anything escalated. "Guys seriously give up!" I yelled but I was just ignored. "Did your little drug addiction catch up to you!" JJ shouted which made me jump. "Nice bruises man what were they homemade" Rafe spat this time clenching his fist. "Shut up" JJ shouted this time he sounded like he was about to fight Rafe. "Ohh shit man. You know your starting to look like your dad more" Rafe laughed. JJs pushed me aside and ran for Rafe.

"Oh my god JJ" I yelled as a grabbed his arm . "Get the fuck off me" he yelled whilst he jolted his arm back. This elbow connected with my nose which caused a breaking noise that sounded like snapped pasta. That wasn't good. I stumbled back and covered my nose. My eyes teared up. "fuck" Rafe whispered. He quickly stopped what he was doing and ran over to me. "Who said I was done with you-shit" JJ finally snapped out of it and walked over. They both tried to help but I wasn't having it. "Come here." Rafe said. "No guys just leave me alone?" I shouted throwing one hand in the air. "But...your bleeding". With absolutely no expression on my face I turned towards JJ "oh my god no fucking way thank you for informing me about this Einstein." I rolled my eyes. "This is your fault man?" JJ yelled to Rafe. "Oh my god JJ just give it a rest! Not everything is rafes fault." I shouted back . "No no let him princess" Rafe smirked at his sly comment. "Guys you've already done enough shit!" I shouted but it was no use. It was like the elbow to the face meant nothing to them.

"My turn maybank. Why the fuck are you here" he asked prodding on JJs chest. That really set him off. JJ grabbed Rafe t-shirt and pulls him in close. Oh how the roles have changed."Rafe I'm here because I actually made a fucking effort to come be here and come see her. I helped her whilst you broke her into pieces man fucking pieces! You dont have a right to be here after all the misery you caused. Now fuck off."

"I kinda like attacked him so I like owe him one" I confessed. "Are you fucking kidding me!? He owes you with the shit he pulled yesterday!" JJ responded. " you know the whole I don't remember fucking you three times situation" JJ yelled out . "You told him about that?" Rafe questioned with a touch of disappointment in his voice. "Why wouldn't-" I was cut off by a very agitated JJ. "Why wouldn't she Rafe!". "Let her talk man she has a mind of her own" Rafe demanded. "She dosnt want to talk to you and neither do I . There's the door" JJ points. They just kept going back and forth and I finally reached my breaking point. "HOW ABOUT YOU BOTH FUCKING LEAVE IM SICK OF YOUR PETTY BULLSHIT FOR FUCKS SAKES!" I yelled out meaning every word I said.

"JJ at least you also know where the door is. You can join him"I told him . Rafe laughs to himself. "Shut up dick. She also means you so I don't know why your laughing " JJ whispers. "Nah I'm staying I can't leave her I'm such a bad state." Rafe defended. "Why are you acting like you haven't done that already" JJ scoffs. "JJ quit it okay hes trying to help." I pleaded. "Your really on his side. After all the shit he's done to you. Wow some things never change." He sighed. I removed my hand from my nose as it seemed like the flow had stopped. Most of it stained my chest but I wasn't bothered. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean JJ" I questioned. I don't know what he meant but I knew I wasn't gonna like it. "JJ back off" Rafe defended "no no Rafe let him speak I wanna know what he has to say". With my arms folded I nodded my head telling him I wanted to carry on. "You know what I mean" JJ spat. "Just fucking Tell me. You brought this up so speak up!" I yelled back. "This always happens no matter what. You always crawl back to Rafe like every other chick. You've fallen for his charm yet again after everything he's done to you. Remember i helped you not him." JJ confessed. "You have alot of nerve saying that JJ" i warned him. However i couldn't do anything. I was too weak to fight any longer. "Close the door on your way out JJ" I coldly spat out turning my back away from him.

"Fine." JJ whisperd before he slammed my door.How could he say that did he really think I was another one of rafes chicks? "I need tampons" I quoted breaking the silence. Rafe snickerd to himself. "For my nose not for my- you know what I mean" I laughed. As I was half way up the stairs Rafe called our and asked "Are you sure your alright princess?". "I'm just tired Rafe but yea I'm fine." I responded back. After a few minutes I returned all cleaned up. "I guess you need some time to process everything" Rafe confessed whilst looking on the ground. "Yea thanks" I moved closer to him and pulled him into a hug. "Thank you for still caring about me and the kids. I needed to hear that."

A/N sorry for any spelling mistakes it is currently 12:30 (well when I write this) and I'm tired. Hope you enjoyed thoo💘

☆𝐑𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬☆Where stories live. Discover now