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I take Sam and James down the cobblestone street of Diez de Sollano y Dávalos until we have to turn left, passing one of many rooftop restaurants that give the best view of the center of downtown. My wedges clack against the pavement and I rush through the small crowd of locals and tourists.

    Once we turn left on Correo street, there's tons of music drifting through the air and I turn my head to make sure James and Sam are following me. Although I know they can navigate on their own with their phone, I don't want to lose them. Since it's daylight it's not too dangerous to be out here without Rogelio or any other security guard.

This city is ours and our enemies typically stay out in fear of messing with my father's security. It's only nighttime when I prefer to be with a bodyguard, there are more people my age around at the bars and they might try to push their luck with me.

    "Here is the main plaza, or as you Americans like to call it downtown," I yell behind my shoulder. I stop shortly, letting them catch up to me and admire the area.

    Tons of vendors are outside of shops selling their little knick-knacks, children are running around the tiny square garden, Jardin Allende, in the center and past that is the church. La Santa Escuela de Cristo. It's pristine structure stands out as one of the tallest buildings in the plaza and its faint pink architectural gothic style comes from the 18th century. What was once a church is now a historical site where tourists go. During the wintertime it is decorated with pretty lights and usually holds the mass services for Christmas, the only exception for when it is open to the public and not just for the scheduled tours.

    I turn to look at James and Sam and I see them gawk at the view, which makes me smile. It's nice to have people from outside of this city come and visit and see the beauty of why I stayed this whole time. Yes, I went to school in Guanajuato, but I always visited as much as I could and knew I'd come back.

    I have a few friends from college that live here, but I only keep in touch with two. Melanie and Teresa. We all met the first few weeks of class and instantly hit it off. They, of course, knew who my father was once I introduced myself and they caught on to my last name. It was definitely a challenge creating a friendship that didn't involve the obvious fear that my father is a cartel lord, but eventually, they showed me that they could be true friends.

    My best friend from childhood, Carmen, will always be my closest friend even though she moved to Durango after I left for college. She was the only friend that stuck with me as my mother passed and I was learning to live with just my father. I miss her a lot, but we're adults and have our busy lives.

    "We definitely missed this when we came yesterday," Sam speaks up and I furrow my brows, wondering why the security guard, Jose, didn't take them here.

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