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The rest of Saturday went smoothly as James and I returned to the house and I went off to finish my own agenda. We laid in his guest bed for maybe an hour before we went at it again.

All this pining and tension riled us up the last two months and we needed some kind of release. If we could stay all day in that room, we would.

While back at the house I had some things to take care of personally. After a while of thinking about my own business, I had to finally come to the realization that I can't do it as my primary job. I had to cut back on the time I would be putting into my clients and officially go into a part time position.

It was sad to let my new clients know that I would have to finish their designs and projects in months versus weeks. But a lot of them were understanding. It was comforting to know that I would still have a clientele even after this hard decision. With things going better with my father, it gave me the confidence and momentum to make this decision on my own.

This allowed me to have a better evening as James and Sam joined my father and I for dinner and talked about shipments and numbers. Logistics were never really my thing, but I was starting to learn some of it. Especially now that James is back.

It was a rough two weeks with no contact. Knowing that there were shipments that would need to be finalized in Chicago if he didn't appear again.

It was nerve-wrecking and I didn't think my father would turn his mindset this quickly. Something in me tells me that ever since Miguel and Steve Rogers came into the picture he's decided to focus more on mending our relationship to make the business run more smoothly. He couldn't bear to see anyone else anyone else taking over his business. I am his only heir and he entrusted me with it. I did not want to disappoint him.

I was doing my best and he was finally seeing it.

But there were some things that I still had to tell James. He had his secrets from his two week hiatus and I had mine from Saturday morning while I was out with Teresa shopping for birthday dresses.

By the time Monday rolled around, shipments were back online and making their way to Chicago with ease.

Teresa had a tentative plan to meet at the yacht docks at noon, but I let her know I'd be there earlier to help her with anything. Teresa's cousin, Alejandra would be coming along with Carmen and Melanie. They were each bringing a plus one so that would be interesting.

Being so focused on this new venture with my father and working with James has kept me so busy that I lost sight of the people around me. I wanted to change that.

Although Teresa had a full staff on board to set up everything, I wanted to help make sure decorations were in the correct places and spend some time with her before the others arrived.

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