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I haven't heard from James in over two weeks.

It wasn't that unusual to hear from him since we were both pretty busy with our own businesses in our own countries. But, still, I was getting a little worried about him.

My thumbs are currently hovering over the keyboard on my phone and a message floats in my text bubble.

How is my mafia man?

I shake my head and bite my bottom lip, tapping the delete button until the bubble is blank again.

I hope all is well on your end. - SC

There. Not too needy and not too weird to be sending him. Thinking back to how long I've known James, we haven't really gotten down to texting. We've had a few phone calls here and there, but this seemed way more personal.

My phone doesn't buzz or make sound for a few seconds and I instantly regret sending the text. I exit out of the message with James and open up the awaiting one from Teresa.

Nena, estamos en mi casa. Donde estás?

Teresa is letting me know that everyone is already at her place and wondering where I am. I look at the top corner of my phone and see that it's already almost dinner time and I haven't even changed yet. We had plans to meet for dinner and then continue to make plans for her birthday cruise.

It was already the second week of July and her birthday was nearing closer, it was in one week to be exact. I briefly remembered that America's Independence Day was last week week as well and my mind wanders into thoughts if James and Sam celebrated it together. If they did, I got no word of it.

I shake my head, attempting to rebalance my mind and stop feeling so attached to James. I don't need to know about his holiday plans and he is most likely okay. Dios mio, the things this man is doing to me!

Today has been a whirlwind of meetings with Gustavo to make sure our shipments are still getting to Chicago on time. I won't lie, there was some worry in me this morning as I met with Gustavo. I wasn't getting any intel on either end about the shipments and if they were being delivered on time. Although I planned to meet Gustavo monthly, I booked an earlier meeting to discuss if the latest shipment ever got delivered.

This is what caused me to panic about James and wondering if he was alright in Chicago.

I had another meeting I just got back from an hour ago with Refugio and Antonio. They are the ones in control of air control coming in and out of our airport, which would assist us if we ever needed to take our product onto planes instead of trucks.

I personally preferred the planes over the trucks. I didn't want to have the drivers in compromised positions crossing the border and then driving through the States.

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