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I unpack my bag and throw some clothes in the washer. I lay out my new clothes that Rafe bought me on my bed.

"New clothes?" Kie asks from behind me.

"Yeah." I say quietly.

"Did you use our money for that?"

"No. Rafe bought it all." I say. "It's for both of us."

"We don't need Rafe to buy us clothes Cassie. We are just fine with what we have." Kie says.

"I never asked him to, he wanted to. You don't have to wear it if you don't want to." I say.

"Cassie I don't understand what's going on here. Are you guys dating or what?"

"No." I shake my head. Not officially, I don't really know what to call Rafe and I.

"Sneaking around and running away without telling anyone isn't what you do. He's changing you so fast already, soon you'll be sitting back at Barry's with lines right in front of you waiting to be sniffed." Kie says.

"He's not changing me Kie. We wouldn't have left or been sneaking around if it wasn't for you guys." I say.

"We are just trying to protect you."

"From what Kie! I don't know why you think Rafe is such a bad guy. Sure he's rude and a little messed up but aren't we all? Look at us Kie. Our own parents don't even want us, all we have is each other and I'm not losing you guys because of Rafe, and I don't really want to lose Rafe either. You guys just have to deal with it. When you stop looking at him the way I used to, you'll soon see him the way I do now." I say.

"But Cassie that's not the point-"

"Nobody made a big deal when John B started bringing Sarah around, what's the difference here?"

"Rafe is dangerous Cassie. You know that! You're going to get yourself hurt if you follow his lead."

"Rafe isn't dangerous. What have he done that's so harming to us?"

"Do you not listen to the stories Sarah tells us? Rafe punching walls and throwing stuff around the house. He carries a gun, Cassie you can't tell me that's normal."

"You guys don't know the full story behind it all. Rafe isn't treated right, Ward and Rose completely ignore the fact that Rafe needs serious help. He's just damaged, not dangerous."

Kie stays quiet, I know what's she's thinking. She's tried of arguing with me and I feel the same way.

"Can you guys please just try and get along with him?" I sigh.

"Fine. I will, but I can't say that for the rest of the group." Kie says throwing her hands in the air. She turns around and leaves the room.

I feel a little relieved, at least Kie will try and I think she will convince the rest to try as well.


"Rafe." I say.

"Yeah?" He asks.

We lay on his bed, his head rested on my stomach.

"Do you think you could come over to my place tonight, we are having a fire and some drinks." I ask.

He remains quiet.

"Please, this is too hard for me, I need you guys to get along."

"Fine." He groans.

I grin to myself and hope that this goes well. I decide to text Kie and let her know that Rafe will be joining us tonight.

"I'm not sitting there and listening to them bitch about me though." Rafe says.

"They won't." I say. "If they do then you can leave okay?"

"I don't need your permission to leave." He mumbles and I roll my eyes.

"Don't have an attitude Rafe." I say.

Rafe and I stay quiet until we get ready to go back to my place. I haven't spoke to the guys since I got home this morning, I hope Kie tells them that Rafe is coming tonight.


Rafe and I drive back to my place just in time for the fire. It's dark and warm tonight, I pray everything goes well.

When we pull up to the house I see the fire already lit and five bodies sitting around it.

"Fuck this is not what I want to be doing right now." Rafe groans as we walk toward the fire.

"Rafe." I say sternly. I can't see him but I know he's rolling his eyes at me.

"What's he doing here?" I hear JJ say to John B, but I'm hoping Rafe didn't hear.

"Hey guys." I say.

"Hey." Pope says.

Rafe and I sit down on the empty bench and Rafe opens his bottle of vodka, talking a long swig.

I look around at everybody and I can tell by the look on their faces that they are uncomfortable, Sarah doesn't even know what to say to her own brother.

"Hey Rafe, glad you could come." Kie says and I grin at her.

"Hi Kie." He mumbles.


After a couple hours pass by everybody starts to get more comfortable. Rafe speaks when he's spoken to but that's better than what I expected, I thought he was just going to sit there, or leave after ten minutes.

"Rafe I guess you'll be staying here tonight?" Kie asks.

Rafe looks to me and I nod.

"Well yeah, he's not driving home." I say.

Rafe have never stayed at my place before, I'm kind of excited.

"Want to go to bed now." Rafe whispers in my ear. His voice is low and his words are starting to slur.

"Okay." I giggle. "We are going to go to bed, long day. Goodnight guys."

"I don't want to hear anything from your room tonight." JJ says as we stand up and start walking toward the house.

"Hear that baby? You have to be quiet tonight." Rafe says quietly and I shiver.

Rafe and I barge through the house and straight to my bedroom. He shuts the door behind him and slams my body against it.

He starts trailing kisses down my neck as he flicks the light switch off next to me. I smile to myself knowing where this night is going.


Toxic:  A Rafe Cameron StoryWhere stories live. Discover now