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"Cassie, your hair is all messed up darling. Let me fix it." Rose says. My face turns a little red as she runs her fingers through the back of my hair.

Rafe chuckles and I widen my eyes at him. I don't need Rose to know Rafe is the reason my hair is all knotty.

"Having fun?" She asks after my hair is back to normal.

"Yeah." I nod and smile.

I can't lie, I am having a lot of fun tonight. I was expecting it to suck because it's a kook thing but it honestly wasn't the worst thing I've ever experienced.

"I'm going to go to the washroom. I'll be back in a second." I say and leave the awkward circle. I head back inside the building and go straight to the bathroom stall I just got fucked in.

I hear other people come into the bathroom and close the doors on each side of me. I leave the stall and start washing my hands.

"Margaret, did you notice the van outside earlier, driving by about three times." A woman from the stall says.

"I did, Lawrence said the same van is parked over by the trees now. Strange isn't it?" The other woman replies.

Van? Driving back and forth the golf course, now parked outside. It's almost like they are looking for someone, or waiting for somebody to leave.

I pull my phone out of my purse and check my messages.

Mom: Oh my goodness Cassie, you look beautiful. Dad and I are so proud of you, always was and always will be.

Mom: She's at the golf course.

Mom: Sorry honey, that was supposed to be sent to my friend, I'm just telling her that you're attending the midsummers party. Hope you have a good evening. Lots of love, hope to see you soon!

"Mother fucker." I whisper to myself.

"Excuse me, sorry to interrupt but do you know what colour the van is?" I ask.

"Um yes dear, it was red." One of the ladies reply.

"Thank you so much." I say.

Are you fucking kidding me? Mike is still here, wandering around this place like he's about to kidnap my ass.

"Rafe." I yell when I get outside but I don't see him.

I look around and JJ is the first person I see.

"JJ." I say and walk toward him.

"What's up?" He asks.

"Where's Rafe?" I ask.

"I'm not sure." He shrugs. "What's wrong?"

"I just heard some people talking in the bathroom about a red van circling the place. That's Mike's van." I say.

"Where is he?" JJ says, puffing his chest out to seem much stronger than what he actually is.

"Relax JJ, they said he's parked near the woods somewhere. I'm going to find Rafe okay, don't do anything to draw attention." I say and point my finger at him.

I walk away and try my best to scan every person to find Rafe but it's impossible.

"Would Cassie Monroe please come to the balcony, Cassie Monroe." A man says in the microphone.

I stop in my tracks and sigh from embarrassment, was that really necessary? I practically stomp to the large deck and greet the man wearing a suit.

"Cassie?" He asks.

"Yes." I nod.

"The Cameron's are waiting for you over there." He points. "It's family photo time."

Toxic:  A Rafe Cameron StoryWhere stories live. Discover now