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Cordelia walks out of her room after getting ready. She cautiously looks around, trying to find any sign of her father being home or awake.

"He's not here." She hears and turns to JJ who throws a piece of probably stale cereal into his mouth. His words make the younger girl sigh in relief as she walks over to her brother and takes the box. "Hey."

"I'll give it back." She promises, pouring a handful of cereal into her hand and eats it. She puts the box on the counter and goes to the fridge as JJ motions between the box and himself.

Cordelia opens the fridge and finds the gallon of milk. She unscrews the cap and sniffs the contents, immediately recoiling at the sour milk smell.

"Oh, God. I think something died in there." Cordelia mutters, putting the gallon back, not wanting the smell to surround the house that already smells like alcohol and weed.

"Yeah, that's what happens when you're broke." JJ grumbles.

"Actually, it happens to all milk. It happens when people don't drink it fast enough." Cordelia smiles earning an eye roll from the boy. She cups her hands and JJ pours cereal into them, earning a small thank you from her.

"I'll see you later." Cordelia tells him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, where are you going?" JJ asks.

"I'm gonna go see Ms. Lana." Cordelia informs.

"Why?" JJ asks.

"Uh, maybe cause her husband just fucking died." Cordelia remarks.

"Just come with me and John B to talk to her." JJ says.

"Thanks, but I don't want the first time I see her after Scooter's death to be asking her about a freaking compass." Cordelia says. "Little insensitive."

"Can you at least steal some food?" JJ asks.

"Wh-- no!" Cordelia exclaims. "If you she makes you something, I'll bring it, but I'm not just gonna steal her food."

"Fine." JJ mumbles, eating more cereal.

"I'll see you later." Cordelia says, heading for the door.

"Bye!" JJ calls through a mouthful of cereal.


Cordelia walks up to Lana's door and gently knocks on the border of the screen door. The main door opens and Lana realizes who it is.

"Oh, Cordelia. Hi, sweetheart." Lana greets, opening the door for the young girl.

"Hi, Ms. Lana. I'm so sorry about Scooter." Cordelia sympathizes.

"Thank you, honey." Lana manages a gentle smile. "Can I get you something to eat?"

"Oh, no, really, it's fine." Cordelia puts the idea down. Even though she is still kind of hungry.

"No, I'll make you a sandwich. Make one for JJ too." Lana says.

"You really don't have to." Cordelia tells her.

"I want to. You kids need to get fed." Lana says, already starting on the sandwich process.

Cordelia continues to make some conversation with the woman as she finishes the sandwiches. Lana puts one on a plate and places it in front of Cordelia who thanks her. Cordelia takes a bite of her sandwich as Lana wraps the other one up for JJ.

As the two continue to talk, they hear a boat pull up outside. Lana goes to the window, immediately backing away from it.

"You need to leave." Lana tells the girl.

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