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The five pogues are all in the car, parked under a small shack. Kie is in the driver's seat with Pope in the passenger seat. They have the backseats lying down and the Maybank siblings and John B are lying down in the back.

"Good news for residents of the Outer Banks. Dominion Power says their underwater transmission line, which will restore power to 90% of the area should be functional within 24 hours." The newscaster on the radio states.

They hear sirens in the distance and watch as two cop cars speed down the road.

"And still, no arrest in the shooting death of Sheriff Susan Peterkin. The state police have issued a statement regarding a local person of interest, a juvenile from--" Kie turns the radio off.

"Let's game this out. Maybe you guys can help, being the smart ones and all, but..." JJ sighs. "Who are the cops going to believe? Ward Cameron or us?"

"So the accuser is a bigshot developer, kind of lord of the island, got the governor on speed dial kind of person, and the accused... is John B. Who is... pretty much a homeless 16 year old boy at the moment." JJ says.

"Thanks." John B mumbles.

"Even without all that information, they're dickheads. Of course they'd believe Ward. And he could probably just pay them to believe him." Cordelia says.

"Okay, man. Yucatan, all right? I'm saying that's the only option." JJ states. "What other option do you have?"

"Dude, you and Yucatan need to chill. What is up with Yucatan anyway? There's a billion other places in the world, it's technically not the only option." Cordelia says.

"Enough with the Mexico bullshit, all right?" John B states, stopping JJ from replying to the younger sibling. "Sarah's gonna bail me out."

"She did witness the whole thing." Kie says.

"Thank you." John B says.

"And she's gonna snitch on her brother?" Pope asks.

"Not happening, bro." JJ says, sitting up.

"It actually could if she doesn't like him enough." Cordelia says. "Not all siblings care or get along. If I hated you, I'd snitch on you."

"That's... That's great, Cordi. Thanks." JJ rolls his eyes.

"Well, then be glad I don't hate you. And don't make me hate you." Cordelia says.

"So you'd just let me go to prison?" JJ asks.

"If you murdered somebody, yes. Especially if I hated you. Now, since I don't hate you, if you murdered somebody out of protection, then I'd understand. If you murdered out of cold blood, very conflicted and you've become a psychopath."

"Can you two discuss this later?" Kie asks.

"We've gotta get you off the island." JJ tells his best friend.

"The ferry. It's the only way." Pope states.

"Yeah. Exit stage left while you still can, bro, okay? Before the entire island is on lockdown." JJ says.

"Guys, just get down." Kie mumbles, all of them slouching as they hear more sirens.

"Sarah's not a pogue, John B." Pope says.

"Yeah. You can't stay here, man." JJ says.


They're by the ferry and only pulled up one of the backseats for the siblings who sit squished in the one seat. John B still lays down with his head next to them. Kie is in the passenger seat and Pope is outside the car, going to get a ticket for the ferry.

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