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About a week later, the pogues are at court for John B's hearing. Kie and Sarah are in the second row with the guys behind them and Cordelia is next to Pope.

"John Booker Routledge, pursuant to the North Carolina statute section 14, you are charged with murder in the first degree with aggravated circumstances." The judge declares. "If convicted, the maximum sentence would be the death penalty." She strikes the gavel and the crowd all start talking over each other, most of them upset about the judge's decision.

Cordelia sinks into her seat and she feels tears prick her eyes.

"Your honor, he's 17!" JJ shouts and stands up.

"Quiet!" The judge tries to call.

"Stop." Kie says, her and Pope standing up to quiet JJ.

"No, he's 17! Are you kidding me?!"

"Hey, hey. You're good." Pope says, starting to push JJ towards the exit.

"Hey, John B, we're gonna figure it out." JJ tells him. Pope holds JJ back as Sarah rushes in John B's direction.

"John B! John B!"

"Sarah, Sarah." Kie calls, going after her. A cop holds Sarah back until Kie gets her. "Stop! Don't touch her!" Sarah yanks her arms out of the cop's grip. "Let's go, Sarah. Let's go out of here."

Pope gently shoves JJ to the exit before he grabs Cordelia's arm and helps her outside. The girl still has a slight limp, but her ankle isn't as swollen as it was when John B got arrested.

The courthouse empties, Cordelia and the boys somehow making it out first and they wait at the top of the steps for the girls. Cordelia's jaw clenches when she hears about everybody saying they're glad John B is finally caught and "Justice is served."

"Is this a joke? Like, are we in Hell or...?" Kie asks as the five make their way down the stairs.

"I should have never come home." Sarah says.

"They're gonna kill him, guys. I know it." JJ says.

"So sorry for what you and your family have gone through. Thank God the system works." A man tells Ward as he follows him and Rose out.

"Can you please shut up?" Kie says, getting their attention. "Of course you think the system worked because it was made to protect you and people like you."

"He'll have his day in court. A jury will decide." The man states.

"He shouldn't even be in court! You should, cause you're a murderer." Kie states, pointing at Ward. "You have a lot of nerve showing up to court.

"I know you're upset. I understand you're upset, okay?" Ward says.

"Upset?" Kie asks as Shoupe and Thomas walk over.

"Okay, I know he's got you fooled." Ward says. "He's got you all fooled."

"No, I'm not just upset!" Kie yells, charging at him, but Shoupe and Thomas hold her back. The pogues immediately go in to grab Kie and get her out of the cops' grip as everybody starts yelling.

Cordelia shoves Thomas away with her body in order to get him off of Kie, only for Thomas to tightly grab her arm.

"Show some respect!" Ward yells.

"Get off of me!" Cordelia yells, attempting to yank her arm out of Thomas' grip and knowing it's going to bruise later.

"Yo, get the fuck off her, man!" JJ shouts, prying the cop away from his sister. He wraps his arms around Cordelia's waist and hauls her a few feet away so she's out of Thomas' reach.

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