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Cordelia is at her locker, letting out a small yelp when her arm is yanked on, pulling her away from the locker which she just manages to shut.

"Jayje, what the hell?" Cordelia hisses once she notices her brother is the one who grabbed her. He doesn't look at her, keeping up the fast pace he's using to follow Kie and Pope. "What's happening?"

"I don't know. Pope got some letter." JJ says.

"Okay, I know it's the 21st century so letters are rare, but what's with the--"

"It had the wheat symbol on it."

"Why didn't you start with that little bit of information?" Cordelia asks.

"I don't know. Just come on." JJ says, still pulling her along.

"Is this a game of tag?" JJ asks as they reach the library.

"I don't know." Kie says.

"Am I gonna have to beat you with your protractor?" JJ asks his friend. "What's going on?" He asks, gaining a shush from the librarian.

"Seriously, Pope, you are driving me insane." Kie says quietly.

"Okay, so that guy was from the scholarship committee." Pope starts, the four gathering around one of the tables that has four computers on it. Kie sits down in one of the chairs and Cordelia sits on the edge of the table.

"Take a look at this." Pope holds the letter out to them, JJ quickly snatching it. "Read it." He orders as JJ takes the letter out of the envelope. Cordelia stands up and hovers next to JJ, looking at the letter.

"Out loud." Kie tells the blonde. JJ awkwardly glances at them, looking back to the paper.

"I can't read cursive." The blonde whispers. Kie gives him a look before taking the letter.

""Dear Mr. Heyward, I am reaching out because I have material evidence that can exonerate John B Routledge."" Kie reads. ""It is of vital importance that you come and meet with me in person at my offices at 27 King Street, Charleston at 8:00 p.m. sharp tonight. Please come alone. Regards, C. Limbrey.""

"The going alone seems a little suspicious and concerning." Cordelia comments.

"Charleston?" JJ asks.

"I know, it's like an eight hour drive plus the ferry. How are we gonna get there tonight?" Pope asks.

"Yeah, we'd have to leave, like, right now." JJ whispers.

"I have a free period." Kie says.

""Material evidence"? What does that even mean, "material evidence"?" JJ whispers.

"It means he can clear John B." Kie says as Pope gets on the computer.

"Oh, shit, then we're going to Charleston." JJ states loudly, earning a disapproving look from the librarian.

"I gotta tell my mom. Look, if we get it this time, we are not giving it to Shoupe." Kie states.

"Yeah. No duh." JJ says.

"What?" Kie asks Pope, looking at the computer screen.

"I'm not sure, but I think whoever this Limbrey person is, they might be related to the captain of the Royal Merchant." Pope says.


JJ, Cordelia, and Pope are sitting in Heyward's truck, waiting for Kie to get back, the car parked outside the Carrera home.

The family of three move to the top of the porch stairs, Cordelia obviously able to tell that Kie and her parents are fighting.

"They're taking it really well." JJ says.

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