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Cordelia is leaned over the toilet at the chateau, basically puking her guts out. JJ sits next to her, wincing each time she releases the contents of her stomach. He put her hair in his best attempt of a bun, it being fairly messy and she has hair sticking out all over the place. He's honestly shocked he even got most of her hair in the bun.

"Feel any better?" JJ asks.

Cordelia groans.

"Drink some water." JJ says, holding the bottle out to her.

"No." Cordelia whines.

"I know it sucks, but dry heaving also sucks. Drink the water. Sip it." JJ orders. Cordelia pouts, staring at the water with reluctance.

"Lia." JJ warns. Cordelia quietly groans, but takes the bottle and begins to sip on the drink.

"Look, uh... I, um... I wanted to talk to you about me being a, uh... a, um..." JJ struggles to find the word.

"Bitch? Jackass? Dick? Shithead? Bad brother?"

"Yes, okay. All of those things. Thank you." JJ cuts her off from suggesting any more.

"You wanna talk about that now?" Cordelia asks.

"Yep." JJ nods.

"God, you have the worst timing." Cordelia mumbles.

"Look, I... you know I'm not super great with-- with words and-and emotions, ya know?" JJ says.

"I know." Cordelia says.

"I'm sorry." JJ tells her.


"You suck." he whispers.

"I know." Cordelia manages a loopy smile.

"I'm sorry for, uh... for basically overreacting probably. And for any hurtful things I did or said. And I-I do forgive you, all right? For the saying you were at the beach and you weren't and for telling Fletcher about the gold and-and whatever else there was."

"Well, as I've said before I'm sorry for lying and telling Fletcher."

"I know, I know, you no longer have to apologize. You did your apologizing. This is all on me, got it? You can hate me, not hate me, whatever you wanna do. But I do forgive you and I am really sorry. And with Fletcher, I... I guess that if he makes you happy, then I can give him a chance... for your sake."

"Aww, you do care." Cordelia coos, pinching his cheek.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Shut up." JJ grumbles, pushing her hand away from him. "But if he breaks your heart, he's going six feet under."

"I am very well aware of that." Cordelia says.

"Look, for everything I said, I... I wasn't forced to deal with your 8 year old heartbreak. I wanted to... I-I mean it was kind of my job. Big brother saves the day. And I couldn't really save the day for, like, weeks after he called you stutter mouth. I just don't want you getting hurt again."

"I know. And if he does hurt me, you have full permission to say "I told you so."" Cordelia says.

"I still don't personally trust the dude, but I will attempt to not death stare him any time he's in my line of vision... for you."

"Well, you are forgiven... for everything." Cordelia says.

"That easily? Really?"

"Do you... do you want me to hate you?"

"Well, no, but... I just-- I figured you might hold more of a grudge." JJ quietly says, shrugging.

"Look, you may've hated me, but I never hated you, doofus." Cordelia says.

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