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The four girls are sitting on the beach while the boys drag the lifeboat onto land.

"Good job, guys." Sarah calls out once they get it far enough.

"Good job." Kie echoes.

"JJ, you all right there, buddy?" John B asks after seeing the blonde wobble a bit.

"Yeah. Still a little dizzy." JJ says as the three reach the girls. "Okay, anybody know where we're at?"

"An island." Cordelia states the obvious.

"Thank you, Sherlock." JJ sarcastically smiles at her, Cordelia giving him a sarcastic grin back.

"Deserted beach, unknown island." Pope says, backing up the younger one's answer.

"See?" Cordelia motions to him.

"All right, I'll take those as a no." JJ says. "Plan A, huh, Pope? That went well."

"This is the lowest we can go." Pope states.

"Mm, I don't know. I feel like being dead would rank lower." Cordelia comments. "But that's just my opinion."

"We literally have nothing else to lose. The cross, gone." Pope says.

"The gold, gone." Sarah says.

"Seriously, if we had a nickel for every time we got beat up, I'd say we're at a dollar fifty." JJ says.

"That's more than I got on me." Kie says.

"Personally, I'd be fucking rich." Cordelia says.

"That somehow doesn't make me feel better." Sarah says.

"Yeah, you're right." John B speaks up. "But, I mean, we've... we've had some good stuff happen, right?"

"Name something." Pope tells him.

"Um... uh, the boiler room." John B says, looking at Cleo. "What? I mean, if the boiler didn't explode, Delia and I wouldn't have gotten away from Rafe. I couldn't have gotten the Zodiac and gotten us out of here."

"Technically Sarah got the Zodiac." Cordelia corrects. "I didn't see you disconnect shit."

"Thank you." Sarah tells her, the two sharing a small smile.

"That wasn't luck." Cleo tells John B. "That thing was gonna blow the second I stopped feeding it."

"Both of you are stealing my thunder." John B says.

"Sorry." Cleo say.

"I'm not." Cordelia shrugs.

"Um... okay. Pope, you're related to Denmark Tanny. That's crazy." John B says.

"And I lost all his inheritance." Pope states.

"You know what?" John B stands up. "Guys, this is it. This is the pogue life. We are in the Caribbean. It's our own little slice of paradise. With my best friends, with my family. So I don't know. I wouldn't wanna do it with anyone else."

"Look, and while you guys were complaining about every little thing... JJ?" He walks over to the blonde.

"Hmm?" JJ hums, sticking his Swiss Army knife into the tree.

"I was looking at those burly lefts." John B says.

"There's some slabs out there." JJ agrees.

"Just a few." John B mumbles. "Kie, you see that? I know you wanna get out there."

"No boards." Kie says.

"Well, we can bodysurf till we make some boards." John B says. "Delly? Hmm?"

"Yeah, no, I'm... I'm good with no water for a while. I've been thrown in enough times to be tired. Also, you know, like, moderate -- if not severe -- concussion. It's probably one of the last things I need. Or what JJ needs if he wobbles walking."

JJ shushes her.

"Okay, she isn't in." John B says.

"For perfectly good reasons." Cordelia defends herself.

"I'm not judging." John B assures her. "Pope? Come on, man."

"They do look pretty tasty." Pope comments.

"Oh, yes, they do." John B says.

"There's nobody around." Pope says, standing up and going next to John B. "We could squat here for a bit. Kind of belongs to us now, huh?"

"You got a point." John B says.

"Seven way split?" Pope asks, him and John B doing the pogue handshake.

"Poguelandia." JJ says in an accent.

"Oh boy." John B comments.

"Here we go." Cordelia mumbles.

"I claim thee Poguelandia." JJ says in an accent before going back to his normal voice. "I like the ring of it. I'm gonna make a flag. It's gonna have a chicken on it. With a coconut bra, smoking a J... in crocs." He explains as everybody laughs.

"I could use a J." Kie comments.

"Can we vote on this?" Sarah asks.

"You know, I gotta say, it's not actually the worst thing." Cordelia says.

"Thank you. See, you're my favorite for a reason." JJ tells her.

John B helps Sarah up as Pope helps Cleo up. JJ helps Kie up before holding his hand out to Cordelia, everybody talking about going full pogue.

"Do I really have to walk more?" She asks. "I'm gonna wobble."

"Let's go, Lia." JJ pulls her to her feet. Cordelia lets out a small whine as they all start walking, stumbling for a moment. JJ keeps a hold of her hands until she's balanced. He wraps his arm around her shoulders, wrapping his other arm around John B.

By nightfall, the group were gathered around a fire as they cooked fish, all enjoying the warm night and each other's company.


Ahh! I finished season two!!! 😊😊😭😭 

I'll miss updating for Cordelia, I love her so much! Though I do also have another OBX fic out and it's a JJxOC if you guys would be interested in reading that.

See you for season three!!!

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