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Cordelia lets out a small groan as she wakes up. Her head is killing her and she slowly opens her eyes, looking around. She freezes when she looks up and sees Rafe driving.

"Fuck." She whispers, remembering everything that happened. If Rafe doesn't kill her -- which is a big if -- JJ definitely will for her stupid spur of the moment decision.

"Don't try anything." Rafe warns.

Cordelia knows he probably has a gun and she'll only get killed sooner if she does try something. She looks around and sees the cross covered by blankets. She looks over and finds Renfield's body.

Cordelia lets out a small groan, feeling the uncomfortable feeling rise in her throat. Before she can stop it, Cordelia vomits, groaning.

"God, are you fucking serious?" Rafe questions.

"Not all of us can handle dead bodies as well as you, Mr. Murderer." Cordelia says quietly.

Rafe clenches his jaw and tightens his grip on the steering wheel trying to not kill her right now.

Cordelia silently sits in the back, doing her best to not look at the corpse she's forced to be next to. Eventually Rafe turns the truck around and backs it up a bit before turning it off. He gets out and opens the back doors.

Rafe climbs in and drags Renfield's body out, just letting it fall to the ground. Cordelia grimaces, staying silent so she doesn't draw his attention.

Rafe gets out and drags Renfield's body into the water, pushing it out so it floats deeper into the water. Cordelia watches as the body stays there for a bit before a gator comes up and chomps on it, pulling her underwater.

"Gross." Cordelia whispers.

Rafe turns to the truck, his glare now set on her.

"Get out." He orders.

"Yeah, you know, I'm-- I'm kinda comfy here now. So..." Cordelia fake smiles at him.

Rafe gets in and quickly walks over to her. Cordelia stands up and tries to hold him off, but Rafe quickly grabs a handful of her hair and yanks her forward making her cry out in pain. Rafe drags her to the end of the truck and tosses her out, the girl falling onto the muddy ground.

Cordelia groans in pain, but before she can try to get up and fight back, Rafe grabs a fistful of her hair again and drags her to her feet.

"O-Okay, you know, we-we can... can-- w-we can talk this out, huh?" Cordelia says, her words rushed and voice full of fear as Rafe drags her near the water. "Ta-Talking is always helpful. I-I won't call you Mr., uh, Mr. Murderer again."

Rafe gives her a cold smile before shoving her into the water. Cordelia sits up, coughing a bit. Rafe walks over and is towering over her.

"Co-Come on. Y-You know if you ki-kill me, s-somebody will f-find out and a-arrest-- arrest you." Cordelia says, trying to figure out a way to fight him so she's not dead in the next five minutes.

"I got away with Peterkin. I think I can get away with a dirty stuttering pogue. Especially since you won't have a body that can be found." Rafe says, kneeling in front of her.

"Yo-you, uh, you'd make-- make a re-really good se-serial ki-killer." Cordelia says.

Rafe coldly smiles and then wraps his hand around her throat and shoves her underwater. Cordelia tries to fight against him, clawing at his arm. Rafe lifts her up before shoving her back underwater.

Cordelia hits and scratches at him, her legs kicking wildly as she tries to get free.

As Cordelia starts to lose energy and her fight weakens, the weight from Rafe's hand on her throat is gone.

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