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John B and Cordelia walk around in the ship, trying to find Sarah. They stumble against the wall when the ship stops.

"Sarah!" John B yells out.

"Sarah!" Cordelia shouts.

John B tries to open a door, but it's locked. He bangs on it and tries to open it still.

"Open up! Sarah! Sarah!" John B calls. He turns around sees more doors and tries to open it, but it's also locked. "Sarah!"

"Logically thinking, she could be somewhere else. No need to put all the energy into these two doors." Cordelia says.

"Come on." John B grabs her wrist and drags her off. They get to the boiler room.

"Sarah!" They both call out. John B motions for Cordelia to be quiet as he quietly walks further into the room, her close behind.

John B reels back, knocking into Cordelia, when a hook appears in front of his face.

"Dude, wha--" Cordelia stops, but her eyes widen when she spots the hook. The hook lowers and Rafe looks around the corner.

"Rafe." John B pants.

"God, dude, this isn't The fucking Shining." Cordelia says.

"Watch your head, man." Rafe says. "So what the hell you two doing here, John B? Delia?"

"Just put that thing down, all right?" John B says. He makes sure to not turn away from Rafe and he also keeps Cordelia behind him.

"Why would I do that? Huh?" Rafe asks.

"Look, this isn't about you, all right?" John B says.

"It's not about me?"

"No. This is about Sarah, okay?"

"I don't know. I think it is."

John B grabs Cordelia's hand and sprints to the right. Rafe quickly realizes what they're doing and swings the hook at them, narrowly missing the younger girl.

John B turns to Rafe and shoves Cordelia behind him. Rafe hits John B with the blunt end of the hook a few times, the brunette falling back and Cordelia shuffles back so he doesn't bump into her.

Rafe hits him again, sending John B to the ground.

Rafe turns to Cordelia and she freezes.

"Just can't seem to get rid of you." Rafe says.

Cordelia doesn't say anything and finds a spare pipe. She quickly picks it up, using it to fend off the hook that Rafe swings at her. She's good with it for a bit, but Rafe uses more force and knocks the pipe out of her hands.

Rafe swings the blunt end of the hook at her and hits her in the head. Cordelia's head hits a metal cabinet on the way down, the girl crying out in pain as she lands next to John B.

"Same old shit." Rafe says.

"You don't have to do this, all right?" John B says.

"Pogues stealing from us." Rafe says.

"You-- you st-stole it fir-first." Cordelia argues, glaring at the psycho.

"You know, I can't... I'm not gonna let that happen again." Rafe says. "And I've been wanting to finish her off for a while, so--" Rafe swings the hook down at Cordelia, but John B grabs her and turns her onto his other side just in time for the hook to hit the floor.

John B kicks Rafe which knocks him down.

John B quickly gets up and drags Cordelia to her feet, ushering her in front of him.

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