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Cordelia sits on the beach, staring out at the dark water with dried blood and tear stains on her face. She knows being out in the open isn't exactly the safest option, especially at night, but she doesn't really care at the moment.

She doesn't know how long she's been there or what time it is, but she can't find it in herself to care. She knows that if her friends and brother were searching for her, they would've found her by now. They know she always goes to the beach when she wants to think or be alone.

Cordelia hears footsteps in the sand getting closer to her, but doesn't look up -- mostly in fear of it being Rafe or Barry.

"It's not really safe to be out here at night." She hears a familiar voice say and she lets out a small, slightly humorless chuckle.

"Yeah, well, my whole life isn't safe." Cordelia remarks as the person sits next to her. Cordelia turns to look at him, seeing his tousled curls be blown around some by the gentle breeze.

"Dude, what the fuck happened to your face?" Fletcher asks, his eyes going wide at the blood on her face.

"My dad. Although, the tear stains are actually mostly from JJ." Cordelia says.

"What? Since when does JJ make you cry?" Fletcher asks.

"Since he gets angry." Cordelia says and Fletcher grows a worried look. "Not physically. No, just... verbally, I guess."

"What'd he say?" Fletcher asks.

"I was stuttering... he got tired of it and called me stutter mouth." Cordelia states.

"Ouch." Fletcher winces. "That definitely doesn't get him on your good side."

"No. No, not really." Cordelia shakes her head. "Won't, like, Topper or Rafe kill you if they see you talking to me?"

"Why would they see me? They rarely, if ever, come to the beach. Especially this late." Fletcher says. "Besides, I've kind of stopped caring what they think. They're assholes."

"Good for you. And very, very true." Cordelia says.

"I have a better question. Why are you talking to me without biting my head off?"

"Well, even if I do basically kinda hate you still, I... I don't like being alone. And I've had a really tough day, so... as long as you promise not to go broadcasting shit to the whole world, I will keep talking to you. Though, you could lie and say you won't, but then you do, so that just makes me stupid, and--"

"Delia?" He calls, getting the girl to stop her rambling and look at him. "I promise. I'm not telling anybody anything."

"Good." Cordelia manages a small smile. "Hey, um... I never got to say thank you. For... well, for trying to get Rafe away from me."

"It's what any decent human being would do." Fletcher says.

"True, but still, thank you. You're... better than I thought you were." Cordelia says.

"I do still care about you. Believe it or not." Fletcher says, giving her a gentle smile.

"Do you have any weed? Or is weed a pogue thing and coke is for the kooks?" Cordelia asks, earning a laugh from Fletcher making her giggle.

"I do actually have weed. Perks of parents not giving a shit about you is you can get away with a lot." Fletcher says.

"Unless it's stealing a boat." Cordelia comments.

"Yeah, that's kind of hard to get away with." Fletcher agrees, standing up. "C'mon. I have a secret place I like to go."

"You're not gonna murder me, are you?" Cordelia asks.

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