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TW: domestic violence

Cordelia is at home, having to get some extra stuff to take back to the chateau, including some cash she has hidden so she can buy a couple of groceries. She's worried about JJ, but knows that at fourteen, she can't exactly get him free and it's up to Luke -- which terrifies the living shit out of her.

Luke is currently passed out on the couch snoring so Cordelia moves around quietly in hopes of not waking him up. She finds where she keeps the little bit of money she has and digs through the box, but doesn't find the cash.

"No, no, no, no." She whispers, rummaging through the items in the box. She starts looking around through her dresser and everywhere else, still coming up empty handed.

"Damn it, dad." She quietly curses, hitting the wall. She immediately winces, staying still and quiet, hoping Luke didn't wake up.

Cordelia hears the phone start to ring and goes to answer it, but hears her father groan and fumble around making her stay in her room.

"What?" She hears Luke groggily ask. "What?" He sounds angrier that time. "What'd he do?" Cordelia's blood runs cold as she fears for JJ, now knowing exactly what that phone call is.

As Luke finishes the phone call up, Cordelia creeps to the door, wincing when she steps on a creaky floorboard.

"Cordelia? Girl, that you?" She hears Luke ask. Cordelia panics and quickly goes to her door, shutting it and locking it. Seconds later, Luke is at it, banging on the door and rattling on the doorknob. Cordelia quickly zips her bag up, glad she already packed.

Cordelia puts the bag on her shoulder as Luke continues to bang at the door. She opens her window and starts climbing out, jumping when there's a loud crash behind her. She looks back, seeing her dad broke the door open.

"Shit." She whispers, trying to climb out the window quickly, but Luke is faster as he storms over and yanks her back into the room by the arm, the teenager landing on the floor with a small cry of pain.

"Did you know about this?!" Luke angrily asks. "You knew, didn't you?"

"Knew what?" Cordelia asks, standing up, hoping to be able to make a run to the door.

"Don't play dumb with me, bitch!" Luke yells, charging towards her making her scramble back.

"I-I don't know anything. I sw-swear. I-I pr-promise." Cordelia's voice grows smaller as she back away. "I-I didn't kn-know anything."

"Stop stuttering like an idiot!" Luke bellows, harshly backhanding the girl and sending her to the floor. "You two are fucking partners in crime! You had to know!" He punches her again, kicking her abdomen.

"D-Dad, I didn't... didn't know a-about it. A-Any of it." Cordelia says, tears streaming down her face as she breathes heavily, trying to deal with the pain.

"I don't fucking believe you." Luke growls, hauling her up and slamming her against the wall, Cordelia hissing in pain. "You're both fucking worthless, you know that?! Fucking worthless!" He shouts, harshly slamming her against the wall again making her let out a small whimper of pain.

"I-I'm so-sorry." Cordelia whimpers out.

"Stop stuttering! you sound like a damn idiot." Luke seethes, kneeing her in the stomach. Cordelia doubles over in pain and Luke lets her drop to the floor.

"You and your brother. Just worthless pieces of shit who don't do anything all day. You're worthless." Luke continues to throw insults and curses left and right while repeatedly punching Cordelia, the young girl just taking it, knowing if she fought back, she'd just lose and get it worse.

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