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John B is driving the Twinkie and JJ is in the passenger seat, everybody else in the back. They come across where Pope crashed the truck and the part of the road has a bunch of cops.

"Oh shit! They found the truck." Kie says, her stress building.

"Chill. Chill, chill, chill, chill." Pope tells her.

"Of course." JJ grumbles, putting his hat on.

"All right, just relax. Just relax." John B says as Shoupe and Plumb make their way over.

"Good evening, officer." John B greets Shoupe.

"Sheriff." Shoupe corrects.

"Sheriff. Yeah, that's right. Speed kills, huh?" John B says.

"I pulled the tags, and I know whose truck that is." Shoupe says. He shines his flashlight to the back where Kie is attempting to hide behind the passenger seat. "Hey, Kie, you drop your weed pen back there?"

"Found it." She says, holding it up.

"Oh." Shoupe hums.

"Sheriff, I just wanna say that this is all my fault." Pope states. "She had nothing to do with this. I take 100% responsibility."

"Nothing to do with it? Uh-huh. You wanna try that again?" Shoupe asks. "Your parents reported the truck missing four hours ago, and the keys were missing from the house. I'm taking you home." He tells Kie. "Or I can pull you all in for leaving the scene of an accident."

"Okay." Kie says.

"Good. Plumb." Shoupe directs. Plumb slides the back door open.

"I gotta deal." Kie says, getting out. "Hit me up later and make sure I'm still alive."

"If you're not, I'll plan your funeral." Cordelia says, giving her a thumbs up.

"Now really the time for smart comments, Maybank?" Plumb questions.

"Now really the time for you to be a bitch?" Cordelia fires back.

"Cordi." JJ mutters, sending her a warning look.

"Okay, how come everybody gets to say shit and I can't?" Cordelia asks.

"Timing, dumbass." JJ says through gritted teeth and Cordelia rolls her eyes.

"Leave it, Plumb." Shoupe tells her, seeing the woman about to retort to the youngest teenager. "Watch it, Cordelia."

Cordelia salutes him and then gives him a thumbs up.

Plumb shuts the door and the two lead Kie away.

"Really, Cordi?" JJ asks.

"What? She's a bitch." Cordelia states.

"Yeah, we know, but you have to choose the times when to shut up and when to talk." JJ says.

"Was she the one who told you about the jail theory?" Cordelia asks. JJ hesitates to say anything which gives Cordelia her answer. "She fucking is?"

"Not the time for this either, Lia." JJ says.

"Yeah, I know. But we're definitely talking about that shit later." Cordelia says.

"You two done?" John B asks.

"Are they ever?" Sarah questions.


They get to Tannyhill and get out of the Twinkie.

"He's got the truck." John B whispers. "Stay low, stay low, stay low." He whispers as the five peek over the wall. They watch Rafe pull up to the door before parking and getting out.

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