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WALTER HAD ADVISED Kageyama to employ this risky tactic, recognizing that their opponents had likely learned about their tendency to exploit the open space in the court.

Given the significance of the match point at the crucial moment, everyone anticipated Kageyama to send the ball to the spiker with a higher scoring rate instead of Tanaka in the secondary attack position.

Tanaka's stroke was uncontested by all six opponents, allowing him to strike the ball with ease as compared to Walter's situation where he would be faced with six players blocking the net, including third-year students with substantial playing experience like Sugawara, Daichi and Asahi.

The Neighborhood Association's prowess was undeniable, with even their libero possessing the skill to perfectly receive spikes at the highest level, as previously demonstrated by Takinoue. Walter's spikes were not a guaranteed kill no matter how strong they were, yet the veteran of the court remains a significant threat.

Nishinoya has successfully received the brutal spike of Walter on more than one occasion, so he deemed it a sensible play to forward the ball to Tanaka, who has a much more manageable opponent than the ace from the Neighborhood Association.

Takeda did not perceive this change in strategy as highly risky, as they understood Walter's ability to observe the court effectively, even during crucial moments. Indeed, the score is now level at 24 points for both teams, with the responsibility to serve now. Walter transferred back in the court instead.

"Once I'm in the back row, the momentum often shifts away from me, making it more difficult to score. So let's finish the game quickly while we still have the advantage."

Following his switch to the back row, Walter's prospects of scoring became rather dubious, as he had a disadvantage compared to the front row. Still, he aimed to finish the match swiftly.

He tossed the ball into the air, took a step, jumped up, and unleashed a powerful one-shot jump serve that left the recipients from the town team dumbfounded. No one was able to react in time, resulting in an uncontested service ace.

"The pace of the play was so fast, I couldn't keep up with the ball. They were faster than I could react."

Nishinoya was visibly flummoxed by the tremendous velocity of the ball that arrived before he could even react, unlike Walter's regular spikes. He expressed his amazement and perplexity at the speed of the projectile, which failed to provide him with even the slightest window to perform some defensive action.

"Wow, it was even faster than Oikawa's serve! Walter, when did you secretly practice that jump serve?

The potency of the jump serve sent shockwaves through Daichi and the rest of the players as they expressed their bewilderment at the speed of the serve.

Walter's teammates inquired as to when he had secretly trained such a potent move, with one remarking that it was comparable to Oikawa's serve.

"Indeed, that type of serve is incredible. I've never seen you use it before!"

The shocked Hinata also shouted his admiration at the awesome service, thrilled by Walter's sudden display of such a skillful play without any indication beforehand.

"Haha, I practiced it in junior high school, but no one knew."

Walter replied with a laugh in embarrassment, confirming that he had secretly trained the jump serve from his days as a junior high student.

"Ahem, it's not surprising that he has such a powerful serve."

Though Kageyama refrained from expressing his thoughts, he kept a keen eye on his teammate as he acknowledged the impressive development of the powerful serve that Walter had hidden until now.

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