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ON THE HUGE VOLLEYBALL court, the players from Karasuno and Shiratorizawa faced off against each other on the huge volleyball court. The tension was palpable. Everyone was focused, and each player determined to win at all costs.

On the Karasuno side, most of the eyes were focused on Ushijima Wakatoshi, the well-known ace of Shiratorizawa. He was a powerful force to be reckoned with, capable of decimating any opponent who got in his way. The other players felt uneasy about taking him on, knowing how dangerous he was.

But while Shiratorizawa's eyes were focused on Walter. Walter was a newcomer to Karasuno and Kageyama he was already a name to be feared. The first genius from Kitagawa, he was a setter known for his incredible vision and his ability to turn the tide of games. His reputation had already spread far and wide, and everyone on the court knew what he was capable of.

As Walter entered the volleyball court, his calm and collected demeanor immediately caught the attention of the players. Despite his unassuming appearance, there was a sense of confidence and determination on his face that was contagious.

While Hinata Shoyo was a short player, he did not fit the criteria that coach Washijo Tanji was looking for in an ace. However, he still had a passion for the game and was willing to work hard to improve his skills. Despite his lack of height, he relied on his speed and agility to make up for it.

On the other hand, Tsukishima was tall and had natural talent for the game, but he was lacking in the motivation that coach Washijo was looking for. While he was a skilled player, he lacked the drive and determination to be a true ace.

As they looked at Walter, Shirabu Kenjiro's heart tightened. He had heard of Walter's reputation as a spiker, but seeing him in person was different. He seemed so ordinary, but there was something about him that couldn't be explained.

Despite his casual expression, there was a sense of intensity and focus in his eyes that made him stand out from the rest. The other players watched as he effortlessly moved around the court, adjusting to different plays and making perfect sets. It was clear that he was a force to be reckoned with on the volleyball court.

Some casual expressions, from the moment he saw him, he was smiling.

As the players on the Karasuno side lined up, the Shiratorizawa team was also in high spirits. Their coach had hyped them up, talking about the opponent's strengths and the need to be on their A game to even have a chance. The tension in the air was palpable as the two teams faced off.

Ushijima stood out from the crowd, his height and impressive build making him a formidable opponent. The other players on the Shiratorizawa side looked at his confident demeanor and knew that he was the ace they needed to win.

"Is that him that our coach values?" One of the players whispered to their teammate.

"Shouldn't ace have the same aura as Ushijima senpai?"

But Walter didn't seem phased by their comments. He was focused on the ball and the match ahead of him. He had come here to win, and he knew that the opponent's opinion didn't matter.

"Hey, I knew that Shiratorizawa were very strong... But now it seems that the momentum of other players is also extraordinary." Sugawara whispered to his teammates.

"Yeah, and we don't even know much about them."

The Shiratorizawa team had a certain swagger about them that was difficult to ignore. They were the reigning champions of the Miyagi Prefecture, and it showed in their cold, confident demeanor.

"Is this the strongest king of Miyagi Prefecture, Shiratorizawa?"

The match began, and the tension only grew. Both teams were determined to win, and they would stop at nothing to come out on top. As they jumped, spiked, and blocked, it was clear that this was going to be a hard-fought battle.


THE ATMOSPHERE IN THE ARENA was tense as the broadcast facilities and commentary seats were set up. The crowd was growing, and the sound of chatter and cameras clicking filled the air as fans and journalists alike gathered to witness the highly anticipated match.

On the Shiratorizawa side, the audience was neatly dressed in school uniforms, with cheerful cheerleaders and tall flags waving in the breeze. There were even a few massive drums set up in the aisles. On the Karasuno side, the audience was a mix of older fans and teenagers, with only a handful of students wearing Karasuno uniforms.

As the players continued their warm-up, a few people around them looked at each other in silence before one of them spoke up.

"Hey, just a few days ago, my son watched Walter in a game match against Seijoh, and now he's become his idol. My son wanted me to come here to ask for an autograph."

His friend laughed. "That's funny because after my family and I watched his TV interview along with the game yesterday, my children kept asking me to bring them here to get an autograph from Walter. I guess it's fate that we're both here."

"Maybe so," replied the first man. "Well, regardless of whether Karasuno wins or not, I'm gonna ask for his autograph after the game. If I can get it, I'll even frame it."

The sound of the referee's whistle brought the players to their respective positions, and the crowd grew quiet as the game finally began. The tension in the arena was palpable, with both teams determined to be the one to represent Miyagi Prefecture in the national competitions.


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