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"YAMAGUCHI-SAN!" his teammates shouted, cheering him on."It was amazing!"They were overjoyed to have beaten a tough opponent thanks to Yamaguchi's fantastic jump float serve.

Hinata and Tanaka rushed up and embraced the surprised Yamaguchi, who was still in disbelief. The whole Karasuno team was extremely ecstatic at the victory and the impressive way Yamaguchi had secured it for them.

Even Tsukishima, who was notorious for his cold demeanor he raised his glasses and gave Yamaguchi some encouragement.

"That serve was just ok," he said, but the cheering crowd stole the attention away.
Yamaguchi was now determined to score and bring home the victory, no matter how daunting the task seemed. Across the court, Shiratorizawa players looked at the crowd in frustration. They were unwilling to accept defeat after putting up such a fight.

"When I was facing Shiratorizawa... I served scored?" Yamaguchi was stunned by the sudden realization that he had just scored against his fierce opponent.

"That's it! All right! " Outside the field, coach Ukai clapped his hands and called out to him and his other players.

"Hurry up and rest to recover! There's still uphill battle lies ahead of us!" Coach Ukai urged Yamaguchi to prepare himself for the final set, knowing it would be a challenging one.

"Although the process was not good, there was a good result!" Coach Ukai acknowledged that Yamaguchi had gone through a tense moment but reminded him to focus on the outcome.

"Hopefully, you can overcome the psychological obstacles. Otherwise, you may not be so lucky next time!" Coach Ukai cautioned Yamaguchi to improve his mental strength and preparation for the next game, reminding him that it may not go so smoothly.

"Yes!" Yamaguchi acknowledged their coach Ukai guidance and committed to working on his weaknesses.


IN THE AUDIENCE, Makoto Shimada could barely contain his nerves as he watched the match. When Yamaguchi successfully served the ball, he let out a deep sigh of relief.

"Whew! It really scared me to death! " he said. "I don't know why Ukai-san suddenly went crazy and sent the boy." Yusuke Takinouse chimed in with a light quip, adding more humor to the already tense atmosphere.

Makoto Shimada found it remarkable that Yamaguchi had scored from a jump float serve, which is something He had taught him but which he had previously been reluctant to try.

"Isn't that your apprentice?" Yosuke Takinouse asked, admiring the performance.

"It was good." Makoto Shimada denied that Yamaguchi was his apprentice, but acknowledged the skill he had shown.

"What an apprentice! I just taught him this kind of serve, and I'm not a master." He was proud of his student's success and the guts he had shown in going for the difficult play.

"Besides, he's not very skilled at jump float serve." Makoto Shimada expressed his doubts about Yamaguchi's ability to successfully execute a jump float serve in a crucial match situation.

He was astounded that Ukai had let Yamaguchi play just because he had the bravery to attempt this difficult play.

"The serve just now was obviously a mistake, but the boy's luck was better, so he didn't lose points!" Makoto Shimada acknowledged that the play was not executed properly but pointed out that his apprentice was lucky and managed to get the ball over the net.

"With this successful experience, I think his self-confidence can be accumulated!" Makoto Shimada acknowledged the benefit of the positive result and his own role in providing Yamaguchi with the opportunity to play and boost his confidence.

"The next time he will serve next time, he shouldn't be so nervous!" Makoto Shimada now felt more confident about letting his apprentice play again after having witnessed his ability to make crucial plays on the court. "And, before I should also teach him some nerve-relieving tips, hopefully, he can do better next time."


COACH WASHIJO TANJI was irritated by Shiratorizawa's mistakes and called them out ruthlessly.

"Mistake! Blunder!" He firmly stated that players need to be alert and aware of their surroundings at all times to avoid making mistakes. "There's always going to be someone making mistakes in the game!"

Coach Washijo Tanji expressed his disdain for excuses or blaming, asserting that even professionals make mistakes, and it's vital to be mindful of one's own mistakes to avoid repeating them.

His sharp words continue to have an impact on his team, as they seem to be more focused and attentive after hearing his stern advice. The crowd understands the importance of avoiding mistakes in such a competitive game, and they appear willing to take the coach's guidance and improve their performance.

He remains vigilant and observant, but he realizes that the players are capable of adapting and making adjustments. Their hard work and dedication are evident, and they will continue to improve under his guidance.

He already recognizes the inevitability of mistakes in a fast-paced and intense game such as volleyball. He understands that even experienced coaches can't prevent errors from happening entirely, but he still tries to minimize them as much as possible.

Shiratorizawa's players did deliver an impressive performance despite their occasional errors. As a coach, he was already pleased with their overall showing, as they demonstrated their dedication and hard work in the game.

He acknowledges that it's impossible to have no errors, but he sees the progress made by the players in reducing their mistakes. The first two games did have fewer mistakes than previous games, indicating that the players are responding well to the coach's guidance and making improvements.

Shiratorizawa has certainly grown as a team and is now stronger than ever, but they will continue to work on minimizing mistakes and perfecting their gameplay.

It can certainly be said that their opponents Karasuno are strong, as they have put up a tough fight in both games so far. Shiratorizawa has a reputation as the strongest team in Miyagi prefecture and a fierce competitor at the national level.

They have been dominating their opponents for years and have built a reputation as an unmatched force to be reckoned with.

It is also true that Shiratorizawa's strength is overwhelming. They have shown a devastating superiority over other schools, and their prowess is undeniable.

A mere mention of them is enough to make opponents lose heart and admit they don't stand a chance. Shiratorizawa's crushing strength convinces everyone of their dominance, and even in the toughest national competition, they can still dominate and secure one of the top spots.

Given their history and reputation, it would certainly sound odd to call them a weak. Their immense strength has been widely acknowledged, and it would be difficult for anyone to believe that they might struggle against another team.

However, such a strong team might indeed find itself in a situation where they face defeat after winning two sets in a row. Perhaps this is a sign that the legendary team of Karasuno has returned...


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