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AT THE START of the third match, there was a palpable difference in momentum between the two teams. Karasuno came out with a strong sense of purpose and determination, ready to fight for victory.

They were poised to seize control of the game and show their strength on the court.Shiratorizawa, on the other hand, looked like slightly fatigued from the intense games.

Their opponents' strong will to win and drive to fight for every point gave them a significant advantage in the game. On the other hand, there was a feeling of unease among the Shiratorizawa, who were still reeling from their unexpected defeat in the second set.

The success from the last two sets has clearly given Karasuno a major boost in
self-confidence and fighting spirit. They were determined to dominate this match and win decisively.

Meanwhile, Shiratorizawa had taken a hit
from the two tough sets they just played and seemed to be feeling a bit deflated. Their momentum had wained, and they appeared to be struggling to regain their footing and re-establish control over the match.

The atmosphere on the Shiratorizawa side is quite tense. The defeats from the first two sets have caused them to become anxious and nervous, and they are desperate to fight back.

They are trying hard to put the past failures behind them and focus on the task at hand, but they're still feeling the pressure of being the superior team and being challenged.

This is the first time that their dominance has been challenged in Miyagi Prefecture, and they are determined to maintain their supremacy.

They are determined to make a comeback and restore their superiority as the King of Miyagi, the reigning champions of the prefecture. But the momentum of the match is on Karasuno side, and they are eager to continue their strong offensive play and push for a third straight victory.

This match is a big challenge for Karasuno, and they undoubtedly come a long way. They had struggled to qualify from the group in previous years, but now they are ready to take on the giants of Miyagi.

The crowd was aware of the conversation in the lounge before the game, where the players expressed their confidence in their abilities and determination to upset the dominant champion. It was certainly a surprising development, but the crowd couldn't help but recall that moment of confidence and optimism.

Ushijima had mentioned that a first-year student had joined Karasuno and was very eager to fight for the team. At the time, the other players hadn't paid much attention, as they didn't think a first-year student could make much of a difference.

They expected that the average level of the players on the team would be higher than that of the newbie. However, the consensus was that a strong rookie player would not be enough to tip the balance in favor of Karasuno.

The team's average, with a mix of experienced players and rookies, would not be able to match the level of Shiratorizawa's players. Even being a member of their coach, Washijo Tanji favorite team would not be enough.

However, they were wrong, as the young player had the strength and will to match that of the veterans in Karasuno and even challenge the power of Shiratorizawa.

It can definitely be said that the first-year player has great potential. Everyone has been impressed by his skills and natural talent, and there is no doubt that he could become a very strong player in the future.

However, it is also true that it will be difficult for him to reach the level of Ushijima Wakatoshi, who is a generational talent. His development under the teaching and training of Coach Washijo Tanji might well result in a player beyond the normal level, but will he be able to surpass the likes of Ushijima?

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