The Rogue Luna

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Hey my little readers! So this is my first werewolf story, and I'm really excited about this one. So, if your confused about the prologue, I'll explain it. It's her memories from three years ago. That's all I'm going to say. Hope y'all all enjoy ^.^


'Hun, come downstairs. We need to get you into your dress.'

I smiled from the book I was reading and sent my mom a message through our link.

'Okay. Coming.'

I shut the book and quickly ran down the stairs to see my mom waiting with the dress in hand.

"Let me guess, you were reading Paranormacy."

I let loose a soft chuckle and smiled brightly. "Correction, I was reading Supernaturally."

Mom smiled and pulled me by the hand to the living room. "You and your books. They distract you from everything, but not tonight. You can change in here, the boys already left to meet with some friends."

I nodded and began to undress while mom started to unfold the dress. Soon enough I was standing in my under garments with mom trying to get the dress over my head.

"I can put it on myself you know."

Mom sighed and gave the dress to me. "Fine, but I do the ribbon."

I laughed and started to put the dress on. First over my head, then arms, then legs.

"Okay, now turn around."

I did as my mom asked and turned my back to her. Soon I felt my dress tug me at the waist.

"Okay. You can go ahead and look in the mirror now."

I nodded and walked to the mirror next to the television.

I froze with astonishment. This was me. The dress was absolutely beautiful. It stopped just above my knees. And the sleeves were loose and went over my wrists. The print was captivating. It had a pink and blue floral print, with a white ribbon wrapping all the way around my waist.

I looked up at my face. I didn't do anything to it but for some reason it looked different. Maybe because the dress made my electric blue eyes pop.

"Mom... I-I, I look perfect. Thanks so much."

"Anything for my only girl. Now go and join the party."

I nodded and ran towards the door.

"Oh, and sweety."

I turned my head to face my mother. "Yeah mom?"

"Just keep in mind, you might meet your mate!"

I playfully rolled my eyes at her and ran out the door, meeting with the brisk wind.

"Willow! There you are, I thought you were going to skip the festival to read."

I giggled and turned toward Paige. "Yeah, well mom wanted me to come tonight."

She nodded and made her way towards me. "I love the dress. It makes your eyes pop."

"That's exactly what I thought. When I looked in the-"

The air around me seemed to have gotten colder and I felt like my chest was tightening. It felt as if I was being squeezed, making it hard to breathe.

Paige started to look around to see if anyone was around us before mind linking me.

'Are you having one of your feelings?"

The Rogue LunaWhere stories live. Discover now