Chapter 11

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Well my little readers, I hate to admit, but you guys deserved to punch me in the face. Why, some of you new readers may ask, well, because I haven't been working on my book lately. So I would like to apologize by giving you this new chapter!!!! *cheering* yeah! That's what I'm talking about! No let's get reading!

About five minutes ago, Riley dropped me off at my first period and left for his class. So now I was standing at the front of the class with my panda back pack and the teacher.

"Class, this is Willow Smith. She's new here, so show her great hospitality. Willow, if you may please take the empty seat over there, we may be able to get on with class," the teacher said while gesturing to the only seat available.

I nodded and made my way through the class until I ended up sitting in my new desk.

Well school, I thought. Bring it on.

"What the heck is a Greek doing in my class?"

I sighed. "Hi Renee."

Renee marched to my desk and slammed her hands on the top. "I asked a question Greek. What are you doing in my classroom?"

I pulled out my schedule from my absolutely cute panda bag and handed it to her.

She quickly snatched it from my hands and began reading my classes.

"Great," she murmured. "Now I gotta take care of a stupid Greek."

"Hey," I pouted. "I'm not stupid."

She shrugged. "What ever. So, why don't you come sit next to me instead of next to this doofus.

The brunette guy who I was currently sitting next to grumbled, but Renee just ignored him.

"Um, where do you sit?"

She pointed to a desk with a black back pack on top. Next to her desk was another occupied by a blonde haired guy.


A shiver went up my spine.

'I hate that guy.'

Yeah, I thought. Same here.

I shook my head. "There's obviously someone sitting there."

Before I knew it, Renee shouted at Travis.

"Hey you stupid piece of crap! Get out of that seat. It's for someone more important than you!"

Travis looked up from his phone and met my eyes. Then he began to smirk.

"Of course, anything for that lovely lady."

I shrunk down into my seat, but Renee just pulled me out of it, dragging me to where Travis was.

Travis got up from the desk and slung a back pack onto his shoulders. But he didn't walk to my desk, no, he just waited for me to reach him.

"Hey cutie," he said when we reached him.

Renee cocked her eyebrow. "You know each other?"

I nodded. "Yeah, he sorta made Riley mad earlier."

Her eyes widened. "Riley! As in the new alpha? How do you know him?"

I gave her a I'll tell you later look. Luckily, she got the hint and nodded. Then she turned back to Travis. "So what are you doing making the alpha angry?"

He shrugged while smirking. "All I did was talk to this cutie," he said while wrapping his arm around my waist.

Immediately chills erupted from my body. My body began to shake ferociously as I burst into a cold sweat.

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