Chapter 28

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Okay my little readers, this is IMPORTANT!!! As you guys have most likely noticed, I take turns between updating this and my other book. But on my other book, Joining A Superhero League, I'm working on chapter 15 I think and it only has 380 reads. I was just wondering if you guys would read that as well and help me get the reads up, because that's the book I'm really focusing on right now. Well, that's all, so go ahead and start reading :3 also, I will be making a recommendation at the end of the chapter, so enjoy!!!!

Willow's POV

The wind howled and whipped at my hair as the sun made the dew on the green grass sparkle. If there wasn't a feud going on, I would've mistaken this as a perfect day for the beach.

Tightening his grip on my hand, Riley mumbled. "Are you sure he's going to come?"

I nodded. "I'm possitive."


I looked at my mate and gave a tight smile. "Because he claims that he loves me."

I could see an uneasiness settle on Riley. "Did you ever love him?"

I cracked a smile and shook my head. "Of course not. I saw him as a friend I guess, but-"

"Willow, I thought we had something special."

A shiver ran down my spine as our heads snapped to a well dressed Nick wearing a smirk while a girl my age wore casual clothes stood by him. She kept her eyes locked on me and a snarl was threatening to take the place of her scowl.

And that's when it snapped into place. That girl was his mate.

"Nick, I want you to stop the attacks." I stated confidently.

Nick wasn't looking at me, but at Riley. They were both exchanging looks of anger and hate.

"Why should I?" He questioned. "I told you what would happen if you stayed with this pack!"

"I left but you still attacked! You lied to me!"

His eyes snapped to me, looking taken aback. "Willow, I know what I promised, but I-"

"I told them to attack." The girl said nonchalantly. "Might as well get them out of the way."

"Willow, that girl is crazy. Look at her eyes." Riley whispered, and he was right. Her eyes held the look of a deranged woman who had lost everything. She was a pure rouge.

I swallowed hard. "You were kicked out of our pack, right?"

She nodded. "Yes, so I had my mate here kill them."

"Sophie." Nick warned.

"Why were you kicked out?" I asked. I had to know the reason why she had my family killed.

She smirked. "Because I proved the elders wrong. They didn't like the truth. They'd rather live in ignorance. So they had me kicked out."

"So you had to-"

Her form began to shift and her bones began to pop. She was shifting. And when she was done, a large gray wolf took her place.

Nick looked at her and nodded before facing us again. "I'm sorry Willow, but I must kill you now. Sophie told me to."

My eyes widened in fear as he began to shift. I wanted to run and hide. I couldn't do this. What had taken over me to decide that I would take care of him?

But I had to protect my pack.

Riley's wolf stepped in front of me. I hadn't even realized he had shifted. 'Willow, you need to shift. Don't be afraid, I'll protect you.'

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