Chapter 23

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Well my little readers, another update!! On time too! Geeze, I deserve a medal for being dedicated XD ...nevermind... So anyways, get reading!!!

Willow's POV

When I was running, I had no idea where my feet would take me. I wanted to see Heaven, but I had no idea where the pack doctor was. So I kept running until my feet decided to stop, and they stopped at Riley's parents house.

So now I sat on the front steps with my head in my hands, not wanting to go closer to the house for everything I had done.

Wasn't there a way to make everyone safe?

My breath hitched. There was. Nick had offered me a deal to make him stop everything he was doing.





Everyone was fighting and Riley was pinned down by rouges. But as soon as I showed up, everyone froze.

Even Nick.

He made his way to me, eyes shining with...happiness? Why?

"Willow." He called, holding out his hand. "I've come for you."

Sudden realization hit me and my eyes widened. But I still stalked foward, heading for Nick. I had to make him go away.

"What have you done? Nick? Why are you here? Go back to your mate." I whimpered.

Nick frowned and walked around me, his eyes observing as if I was his test subject.

"What a cute outfit. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were going swimming."

Nick was aggravating me. He wasn't getting to the point, he was just stalling.

My hand snapped up and gripped his wrist. "Just get to the point."

"Willow, I've come to get you. We can live happily together and have pups and raise them. I want to be with you."

Tears pricked my eyes. Did he forget what he did? What he caused me? He almost made me fall for him and then he killed everyone I knew! And then he just saunters back into my life?

My body began to shake from the anger building up. "Nick, go away. I never want to see you again."

He just gave a small smile and brought me into a hug. But I didn't hug back. I'd never forgive him.

"I love you Willow." He said. Then he brought his mouth to my ear and began to talk quietly.

"I can hurt the ones you love Willow. So I'll give you a choice. You already know the choices you have. You have a week to make your mind up."

He pulled away and smiled, as if he didn't do anything wrong. Then he walked away, his pack of rouges following, until they disappeared in the forest.





Tears pricked my eyes as I realized what I had to do. I'd have to leave with Nick, just to keep everyone safe. So no one else would get hurt. I'd-


My was snapped up to the familiar voice. The voice of someone I thought I wouldn't hear for awhile.

"Paige? What? How?"

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