Wanna go on a Date?

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The fight.

The fight.

The fight.

God dam it, the fight.

That is all that's been going through my head since this morning after the fiasco with Logan. It's tonight and I could stress more about it.

It's currently last period and my last two brain cells weren't working in the first place so now everything and anything is going through my mind at lighten speed.

And none of it makes sense.

I can't focus on the lesson because I'm to distracted and I can't focus on the fight because I'm to stressed that I'm gonna lose.

So basically I'm sitting in my chair, zoned out.


Class just ended, I didn't write anything down because quite frankly, I don't think I wouldn't Of been able to. My hands are shaking as if the world was having an earthquake.

Logan had texted me in the middle of class saying he wanted to talk to me. I of course have to find him now to see what he wanted to say.

I send a quick 'where are you' and walk to my locker to dump all my books off and get my bag.

I'm coming to your locker.

Ok that saves me from a shit ton of walking.


I spin around and grab who ever it is, neck and pin them against the locker.

"Wow, easy there tiger. Your grip is like made of steel."

I quickly retract my hands.

"Umm sorry, you just scared me."

"It's a cool." Logan leans against the locker but quickly stands up straighter from how uncomfortable the locker actually is.

"So... what did you want to tell me."

"Well it's more like a question..."

"Ok, go on."

"Well, how do I put this?" Logan quietly questions himself.

"Come on Logan I don't have all day."

"Well I just wanted to know if you'd." He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I'd, What?"

"Ifyouwantedtogoonaveryfancydatewithme? Ya with me."

I give him a straight look of confusion.


"You didn't catch that."

"No. Do you even know what you said?"

"No not really. But I was hoping you did so I wouldn't of had to repeat it."

"Well tough luck because your gonna have to."

He sighs.

"Would you happen to want to go on a date?" He questions and my eyes go big. "With me?" Logan finishes off.


I mean I want to go. Me and Logan have gotten quite closer in our friendship over the last few weeks. Even though he keeps kicking my chair, and also really wants to teach me how to throw a football still.

So I don't see why not.

As long as he doesn't say tonight.

I mentally cross my fingers. Please please, please say this weekend or something.

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