Bonus- Escape Plan

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It's been awhile since I last seen sunlight, let alone anything that wasn't concrete or stone.

This place is making me go mental and I don't know how much longer I can take the isolation, the beatings, the very little portions of food they have been feeding us or the whimpers coming from mom.

I don't know.

We're getting weaker by the day, I'm not losing hope that Logan is trying to find us, but it is starting to dim each day a new buffed up man comes into the cell to take one of us.

I'm tired.

If no ones going to get us out, then I will.

(This is what would've happened if the police didn't show up)

I hear the clicking of boots as I hear him coming closer to the door.

The iron door swings open, hitting the wall with a great force.

A man comes up to the cell with a sadistic smile on his face, probably proud that he got pick to come get us.

I wouldn't be.

"Get up and turn around." He demands with a strong voice.

I get up but I don't turn around, instead I walk towards the cell and put my hands through the bars and touch his upper arm.

"Wow, you got a lot of muscle on you." He really doesn't but I had to get somewhere.

"Um, yes thank you, but step back and turn around."

"You know, if you open this cell, I could touch you in more places." I added a wink at the end.

He looks to be considering it for a moment before his face hardens and shakes his head, as if getting out of his thoughts.



"Turn around."

"I guess we're doing this the hard way." I mumble under my breath as I turn around and walk up to the cell.

I press my whole body to it, so that my arms can reach out as far as possible. I pull the mans head forward with as much force my weak arms could possibly pull.

I slam his head into the cell and he immediately falls to the ground, knocked out.

Pulling his body closer so I can reach the keys that are attached to his belt on the other side of his body.

I reach them and grab them as I stand up and put the key in and I jiggle it to unlock the cell door.

When I do, the door swings open, hitting the guys head on it's way, making me laugh.

Haven't done that in a while.

"Mom, Get up, lets go."

My mom rolls over and I can tell she's to weak to move, let alone walk.

I sigh as I make my way over to her. I carefully pick her up, it's not like she's heavy, she hasn't eaten anything properly for a while.

With my mom over my shoulder, I walk out the cell, hitting the guys head three more times in the process, on purpose.

The iron door is already open from when the guy came in so I didn't have to try and find the right key for that.

I walk out into the hall, looking both ways, before going right.

Always go right.

I almost fell a few times considering, the strength that I'm lacking from the food that has been fed to me for the last month, and the fact that I'm carrying a full grown female.

In that moment, I heard shuffling. Someone's coming.

I see a corner in the wall and decide that, that's our only hope to keep us hidden right now.

Standing there, I put mom down beside me telling her to be quiet, just in case thy heard us.

The sounds of boots hitting the ground is coming closer and that's when I suck in a breath.

The person walks by us, followed by a few other men and if I looked closely enough, I could see the outline of POLICE.

Oh my god, I let out a cry of relief. Making one of the men turn around looking directly at us.

He reaches for the walkie talkie thing on his chest and speaks into it.

"I got them."

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The Bad Boys BadassOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora