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I ring my hands together nervously as I sit in the booth at the coffee shop.

I don't understand why she chose to meet of all places. Barely anybody has come to this shop in the last 7 years. They only have one person working at a time because no one comes.

Logan isn't here yet and I just seen a car pull into the parking lot, it was and old grey sedan, with tinted windows to the point of not being able to see through. A woman step out of the car that looks an awful lot like my aunt.

From here, you can tell she has gotten better. Just not as much as I thought.

Ok, I'm nervous, scared, maybe a little excited if this turns out well.

She walks in, the sound of the bell chiming when she opened it.

I hear the clicking of her heels as she nears the table.

I have yet to turn around yet and I'm scared for when I do. I look to the counter to not see the worker in sight.

So it's just gonna be me and her.

Where's Logan?


I look up and see my Aunt Caroline.


I get up to hug her but stop when I feel a the barrel of a gun pressed to the side of my head. From the corner of my eye, I see her look around to make sure no one is looking, I look into the corner and see a camera.

I cross my fingers, please be a working camera.

"What are you doing?" I question, scared for her answer.

"Get up." She demands, ignoring my question.

When I don't move, she hits me across the head with the gun, nearly making me pass out.

I stand up.

"Walk out the door."

I start making my way to the door. I reach it and open it up and hesitantly take a step out, she shoves me forward to make me go faster.

"To the car."

I do start in the direction but then I make a risky move that could potentially risk my life.

I swing around, knocking the gun out of her hand and punch her in the face as I make a run for it towards my car.

"You bitch!"

I then hear a gunshot, and then some screaming.

I realized the screaming was me as I fell to my knees, I hesitantly look at the back of my leg to see a bulletproof lodged in my skin with blood oozing out of it.

I try shuffling back as she comes closer to me but with a bullet in the back of your leg, it's a little hard.

My back comes into contact with the back of my car and I knew I was done for.

"Should've just down what I said and you wouldn't have a wound." She pistol whips me harder then before and next thing you know, Everything is black and hazy.

But just as she's about to shove me in the car, I see Logan's car pulling into the parking lot.

I scream as loud as I can.

"Logan!!!!!!" He heard me as he looks in the direction my scream came from and he quickly stops his car and gets out.

He starts rubbing towards me as fast as he could. But it wasn't fast enough, as we pull out of the parking lot and speed down the road.

I don't know what happened next because they stuck me with some type of needle and sedated me, in a second everything was pitch black.


I wake up with a massive headache. You migraines are bad, wait till you experience what's going on in my head.

I clutch my head in it arms as I double over in pain but quickly stop that action as I move my leg and feel the immediate pain of a bullet.

I cry out in pain, but not to loud because I don't want them to know I'm awake.

Everything was dark, there were no lights but I think there was a window, it was just covered with something because  I could see this very think line of faint light.

I was in some type of cell. It smelled of mold and blood. Gross, that metallic smell.

I attempted to move to  get a better look at the cell, but again cry out in pain as my leg moves, louder this time.

"Shh, be quite or they will come back." I female voice spoke, making me jump.

"Hello?" I whispered.


"Who's there?" I question, whispering again.

"My name is Isabelle Grain."

My blood ran cold at that name.


"What's impossible?"

"That your here."


"Your supposed to be dead."

"I'm confused."

"Is that your maiden name?"

"Yes. Sadly my name now is Isabelle Peck."

"But your supposed to be dead."

"I'm sorry who are you?"

"My name is Kristen." I hear her breath hitch.

"Kristen Peck." I finish.

"Oh my god no, he got you."


"Oh my baby."

"Mom your supposed to be dead."

"Is that what he told you."

I hear shuffling, then I feel her next to me hugging me. It was definitely her.

"He said you were- you were, blind an- and you got- got hit by- by a car." I quietly sob.

"No he's a psycho, I'm not even blind, I've been here." I sob even harder at that.

"How's Chance?"

"He's amazing mom, he got us out and we have a house, it's in very poor condition but it's better than nothing." I laugh at the end.

"And, tell me more, about anything."

"Um, I have amazing friends, I have this crazy obsession with orange juice, there's this very cute boy who I've fallen for, he took me on the most amazing date yesterday and the day before!"

She gasps. "Oh my god! What's his name?"

"Logan!" Just the mention of his name makes me excited.

"Tell me all about him."

Just as I'm about to open my mouth and tell her every little detail about him, the door opens  as light pours in, partially blinding us for a second.

I see the outline of a male figure and hear the sound of his boots as he walks towards the cell.

"Yes, do tell us all about your little boyfriend, Logan was it?"

Nothing good last forever.


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