Bonus- Meeting Logan's Family

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Today was the day I was meeting Logan's family, and I know what your thinking, 'every girl and boy go through this process, just dress nicely put a splash of makeup on and do your hair, and go sit and have dinner with his family.'

Ya, were not doing that, instead, were going boated or cruising, with a jet ski, a boat, and I'm pretty sure Logan mentioned tubes.

To say I'm nervous is an understatement, I'm bloody scared. Not only do I have to wear a bathing suit, I have to be in the water.

Now I'm not scared of the water, I just simply hate it. I hate the thought of possibly dying from it from drowning, I hate the thought of fish swimming at my feet and I hate the feeling of seaweed.


I had to call Jade over to help calm my nerves and to help pick out the right bathing suit.

Initially I thought about wearing a one piece with bathing shorts that match, but once I said that over the phone to Jade, it was an immediate no.

Even her brother agreed. I mean he would anything to see a girl without a shirt on. As do most of the males walking this planet.

I don't come across as they type of person to get all worked up about the official 'meet the parents' but here I am, hyperventilating.

"Jeez, calm down kris, it's not like your cat died."

"I don't have a cat."


Jade walks into my closet, stepping over the clothes I had thrown on the floor in the process of wanting to get to bed quicker.

"Oh, my, god, what on earth did I just step on." Jade almost shrieks.

I get up from the bed and walk towards her, looking down at her feet I see the crust from the pizza I had ordered two nights ago.

"Kristen, when you get back, you need to clean this pig sty, you call a room."

I roll my eyes, "Thanks for the advice mom."

"I'm serious. What if Logan wants to come over after hanging out with his family all day? What are you gonna do then?"

"Pretend I live in a different house?"

"No you idiot, you know what, before you start getting ready, you have to clean this room." Jade puts her hands on her hips to stand her ground.

I groan and stomp my way back to my bed and plop on it.

"I don't want to." I say childishly.

"Why are you like this?"

I shrugged, "If I wasn't me, who would be?"

"What? You know what, never mind. Just come and try on this bikini."

She threw me the top of a bikini then threw the bottoms at me.

They were a dark green matching set and it was my favourite colour, I look good in this colour.

As if reading my thoughts, Jade says the same thing, "That colour looks good on you." She hangs up the other bathing suits that could've been worn today.


I change into it and take my hair out of the ponytail, standing in front of the mirror. And boy did I look good.

Jade comes up behind me, "Logan's gonna be all over you today."

I snort. "Just hand me my shirt and shorts."

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