I could get used to This

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It's been a few months since the kidnapping. Almost everyone in town had heard about it. For some reason they have nothing better to talk about because they still speak of it today.

But today was a new day.

Logan and I have been going strong. I had planned out my date and we went on it and at the end of it, he asked me to be his girlfriend.

Of course I said yes.

Not much has changed besides the fact that our mom never died and is actually still living. She reconnected with everyone. Starting with us and then her old friends.

I introduced her to Logan and she lived him just as much as Logan did her.

I still haven't met Logan's parents and family yet and I'm nervous for when I do.

We had the annual Basketball game. The last one and I like to say we won because I was on the team but then I wouldn't be a team player.

Everything was going great.

We also went to court for my dad and everyone else that worked with him including my aunt.

Me and Chance took my moms last name. So we were now known as Kristen Grain and Chance Grain.

I met Logan's other friend, Raymond. He was definitely a player but I can tell he has a heart of gold.

I smile thinking about how far I've come since the beginning of the year. My friendships with Jade, James, Michael have gotten stronger.

I've also kept in contact with Seth and Grant, and a little with Raymond.

But besides all that, two very important events were happening tonight.

1- we are graduating and
2- I'm meeting Logan's family tonight in celebration.

Oh god, I'm so nervous.


"And our valedictorian of this year is..... What are you kidding me?" He turns to the secretary, she gives him a nod, "Kristen Grain." He says with a scowl.

I rush up the stairs onto the stage. From here I can see everyone, Logan, his family, my family, my friends, teachers, the whole year of 2019s.

"Thank you Mr. Diaper." The crowd laughs.

I sigh, "This year was eventful, um I blew up my station one time in science, I walked out of the bathroom with no pants on and I fell up the stairs a billion times or so. But there were also the good times like the playing for the basketball team, actually passing in science, I got my mom back, along with my boyfriend Logan. I punched Kayden because he took a bite of my pizza and I bought a crap ton of orange juice. That's a pretty solid year if I don't say so myself.

A lot of you know that the mysterious Bryd was me, which of your not proud, then I am. But from all of that, I realized, I That I hated this world. My dad was a psycho, my mom was apparently dead, (she's not she's in the crowd) and me and my brother lived all alone taking care of each other in a house that is probably collapsing right now. But none of that stopped me because through all that, I happened to still be, Mr. Diapers favourite student."

Everyone laughed at that part, or well most of it besides my personal life parts. But I wasn't finished.

"But in all seriousness, thank you mom for coming back into our lives, thank you Chance for being the best brother anyone could ever ask for," he whooped at that and the crowd laughed. "And thank you Logan for still trying to push yourself into my life, even when I pushed you away. Literally." I smiled that biggest smile I could ever smile.

"My pleasure." He shouted.

"So um I'm gonna give Mr. Piper the microphone back now."


Logan's mother, Father and siblings were laughing there butts off after I they asked about how I blew up my science station.

I mean it was a pretty funny story.

I've been here for about 3 hours, 2 of those hours we were talking in the living room and introducing each other.

I had brought my mom and Chance along so we all could celebrate.

His family was literally the best most sweetest people you could ever meet. You know, besides my mom and Chance.

Logan has his arm wrapped around the back of my chair. He too was laughing along.

"So how did you two meet again?" Sarah, Logan's mom asked.

"Well the first day he pulled up, he hit out of his car and winked at me. But that technically isn't a meeting. The first time we interacted would be-" Logan cuts me off.

"When I went up to her and asked her what her name was."

"That's it?" Shawn, Logan's dad asked.

"Oh no, she told me her name was Beatrice and she pretended to have an Australian accent." Logan finishes.

They all start laughing again, some of them were holding their stomachs from so much.

I looked around at them and thought, i could get used to this.


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