three | the promise of loyalty

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     JJ DID A LITTLE RHYTHM knock on the door to see if for some reason anyone was already inside

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JJ DID A LITTLE RHYTHM knock on the door to see if for some reason anyone was already inside. If there was someone, Carson wasn't really sure what their plan was next. They were just kind of winging it as they went. 

"Housekeeping," he said in a very high-pitched voice, one that Carson didn't even know he was capable of.

"That was very convincing," she said. He smiled in agreement, even though she was being entirely sarcastic.

"Should we try it?" John B asked when no one answered.

"Yeah," JJ said. "No power. No security cameras. No one's gonna know." Carson wasn't sure what she was expecting to find inside the room, but for some reason she was surprised that it was just a normal room. From first glance, there was nothing out of the ordinary. 

"I'll check the bag, see if there's a name on there somewhere," John B said. As JJ and John B searched the belongings, Carson walked into the bathroom to see if there was anything noteworthy in there. She went through the bag, not finding anything but what you would normally find. She jumped when JJ suddenly leaned over her, grabbing the deodorant and putting it in his pocket.

"You don't know whose that is," she reminded him. For all they knew it could be some gross, sweaty old man. He just shrugged. "You're gross." They walked back out to find John B typing in numbers into the safe.

"One, one, one, two," he said out loud.

"Punching shit at random. That will... definitely work," JJ said.

"Yeah, I'm sure if Pope was here he would tell you the number of different combinations that the code could possibly be," Carson said. "And how the probability of you guessing at random is nearly impossible."

"Wait a second. Wait a second. Here," John B said, grabbing the piece of paper with four digits off the nightstand. "Maybe we don't have to guess at random." While JJ was trying to figure out what the coordinates meant, which he was completely just guessing about, Carson watched John B type in the new numbers, which actually worked. Carson's eyes widened as she saw what was inside. There were piles of cash and a handgun. The sight was actually kind of frightening.

"Holy shit," John B said.

"Who the hell does this room belong to?" Carson said. Based on the belongings of the safe, she was starting to question their sanity of breaking into the room. 

"Uh... JJ?" John B said, stopping him from continuing to guess at the coordinates' meaning. "You're gonna want to see this." Of course the first thing JJ focused on was the gun. He pulled it out and held it up to show them.

"Dude, dude, dude!" he cheered excitedly.

"You grabbed the gun," John B said. "Put the gun back, JJ!"

"This is a SIG Sauer!"

"No one cares. Put it back," Carson said. He started to pretend to shoot it, which made Carson roll her eyes. If anyone was to accidentally shoot it while playing around with it, it would be JJ. The last place she wanted to die was in a grungy old motel room.

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