twenty-five | whatever it takes

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     IT WAS RISKY what they were doing

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IT WAS RISKY what they were doing. Although they were still in the car trying to hide, they were surrounded by people. Anyone could spot them and realize John B was with them, but they had to get him off the island. The only other choice they had was to turn him in, but they were not going to do that. 

"Okay. Okay. Alright, no," Pope said as he rushed back to the car with a piece of paper in his hand.

"Pope, can you act normal?" Kiara said.

"I don't think normal is in Pope's vocabulary," Carson said. It wasn't exactly the best time to make jokes but it wouldn't be them if they couldn't find some small bit of humor even in a bad situation.

"So, um... okay, so, bad news," he said. "The ferry's closed, and there is this." He leaned into the car through the open window and handed Kiara the flyer. Her eyes widened when she realized what it was.

"What is that? What is this?" John B asked as he was reclined in the seat. Now that there were "Wanted" posters with John B's face on them, the situation just got a whole lot more difficult. The Outer Banks wasn't necessarily a place where everyone knew everyone, but with his face printed across a piece of paper it would certainly make people more aware of who was around them.

"Well, John B, uh... this is a good framer of you," JJ said. He showed the flyer to John B, who just looked even more defeated at the news. The worst part was that he wasn't even the real killer. It was a different teenage boy. 

"Okay, so the whole island's lookin' for John B right now," Pope said.

"That's a lot of money," Kiara pointed out.

"Congratulations, John B. You're now famous," JJ added.

"Okay, you guys, we got to get to the HMS. It's small, no running lights-" Kiara started to say.

"It's at the Château, Kie," John B cut her off.

"And I wonder if the cops got the entire place staked out," JJ said. "Let me think. Oh, yeah. No, they definitely have that place locked down."

"Yeah, copy that," she said in annoyance.

"There's gotta be something else we can do," Carson said, not ready to just give up yet.

"Let me think. Just give me a second," Pope said. He must have realized something because his head popped up. "JJ."


"Does your dad still have that boat? The cigarette boat. The Phantom! The one he used to race," he said.

"Maybe," JJ replied. Carson could tell he was uncertain of the situation, but she also knew that he would do whatever he had to do to help John B.

"You could get right up the coast, no problem."

"It's not going be easy, Pope," JJ said. Kiara and Pope seemed to already be set with this plan though because they started talking logistics. "Pope, I don't know where the keys are!"

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