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"So your actually going?" Sarah whispered to me in John bs bathroom. "Yeah." I said putting on some makeup. "But they can't know." Sarah nodded in agreement. "JJ would have my head if he knew I was going to a kook party. No offense." I whispered "none taken." She chuckled. "Listen just because me and topper didn't work out dosnet mean y'all can't."
She said looking at me threw the mirror.

I groaned and sat down my brush. "Jj would flip!" Sarah picked the brush up and did my hair for me. "You gotta stop worrying about jj and start worrying about you." I groaned and she put her hands on my shoulders. "Come on let's go."

We walked out of the bathroom and I threw on a shirt to cover my outfit. "Where are you girls going?" John b asked kissing Sarah. "She's coming to sleep over." I mean I technically was.
"Yeah so I'll be home tomorrow Jj." I said to jj who was eating at the table. he set me a thumbs up. "Hey don't talk to rafe." I rolled my eyes and sent him a thumbs up back. "Bye losers."

I got into Sarah's car and threw of my shirt and put it into my bag and let out a deep breath. Sarah started driving to her house. "My dad and rose are on a busines trip." She stated pulling into the driveway filled with kids. "Calling it now someone's going to key your car." I chuckled unbuckling and getting out. "Hey if you get tired just go to my room okay?" Sarah said getting out too.

We walked up to the house and walked in. "Stas!" Rafe said coming up to us. "Glade you came." He said. "Sarah." He stated glaring at his sister. "Drinks in there." He said and walked away. "Gosh I hate parties." I whispered to Sarah walking into the kitchen.
"Do you want a drink?" She asked me grabbing a beer out of the cooler. "Please." She handed me one and sat on the counter. I leaned on it facing the other way, people watching.

"So you and topper." She said and I rolled my eyes at her. I don't know why she thought I had a crush on the boy. I mean I do, but I'm sure I didn't make it that obvious.

"What about us" I asked. She rolled her eyes at me now. "You know I won't be mad if y'all get together." She said bumping my shoulder.

"Yeah never gonna happen." I scoffed.

About that time, almost as a sign, topper walked up. "Lady's." He said. "Hey topper." Sarah said. I didn't know If topper still liked Sarah or hated her guts. "Sup." I said taking a sip of my drink. "Can I get you a drink?" He asked me and I raised the one I just took a sip of. He blushed alittle "right." He said "well sarah ima steal stas for a sec. stas?" He said starting to walk away. Sarah winked at me and I sighed and walked with the topper. He took me to a laundry door and shut the door. "Ah open that." I said pointing my finger at his warningly. He held his hands up in defense and cracked the door slightly.

"Whatcha want?" I asked coming off alittle ruder than intended to. He put his hands in his pocket and shrugged "I don't know. I just wanted to see maybe if you wanted to get out of here later. Go see a movie or something. Icecream." He said. I scoffed "this one of your kook pranks or something. " He shook his head "no no."

"Sorry I just knew you didn't like parties." He said scoffing at himself and opening up the door. "How about we leave at 9?" I said surprising my self and him even more. "Uh yeah. I'll find you around then." He smiled a side smile and walked out and i walked out to.

I found Sarah still sitting on the table. "So y'all do it?" She said taking a sip of her drink. "I think topper just asked me out." She choked alittle on her drink. "And you said yes?" I nodded frowning my eyebrows alittle confused. "I don't know why though."' She took another sip of her drink "because you like him." She said cockily.

"Come on let's dance before 9."


An hour of dancing later I got a tap on the shoulder and I turned around and topper smiled at me alittle. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded and hugged Sarah good bye. "Use protection." She whispered in my ear. I slapped her shoulder and walked with topper to the door. He opened the car door for me and I got it

Awkward silence filled the car for awhile as topper drove down the road. "This is really strange to me." I said breaking it. Topper nodded "same." He hit his wheel and turned towards me "icecream?"

I nodded and he drove to the ice cream parlor.
We got out and went inside. "Just vanilla." Topper said. "Um can I get chocolate please. Thank you." I said smiling at the teen working.

I reached into my pocket to grab some cash and topper stopped me. "I got it." He said pulling out his card. "If you say so." We sat in the back on the chairs and tables

Like I had said earlier me, topper, and rafe were friends. Not friends friends but we didn't avoid each other per say, but we didn't go out of Way either.

"So tell me about your self." I said to topper. He shrugged. "Watcha wanna know?"

"Well I don't know. Your family life as crappy as mine? Are you really that rich? Why are we even here? You know my brother will probably kill you right?" I said just naming things off the top of my head. Topper scooted his chair alittle over Towards me and said "well My moms hard on me. Honestly don't know. Icecream and yes I am aware." He said smirking. Smiled lightly at the boy. "Your turn." I stated.

"Do you like rafe? What's that scar from? Why are you here?" He asked. "No rafe is twenty. My dad. Icecream." He chuckled alittle bit. "My-" i started but he cut me off. "I have one more. You asked four." He said. "Shoot."

"Can I kiss you?" He asked leaning in. I didn't say anything but I leaned in alittle and we met in the middle. I put my hand around his neck and he put his on my thigh. It lasted for alittle whiles before I pulled away to breath. He smiled at me and I smiled at him too. "Hey ima go use the bathroom real quick and then we can head out." He whispered and kissed my lips one more time before heading inside.

I smiled and giggled to my self. Gosh this boy already had me head over heals for him. I went to reach into my pocket to grab my phone to tell Sarah but I realized I left it in my bag at the party. I sighed and looked around. Topper was taking a long time just to pee. I decided to go in and buy a water.

"Just a water please." I said, kept looking over at the bathrooms door. She handed me the water and I gave her the money. "The boy I was didn't come out yet right?" I asked her. She shook her head "he didn't go to the bathroom he left to his car." I stood sill for a second. I was so stupid for letting my emotions get to me. I didn't even know where we were. "Do you have a phone I can borrow?" My voice cracking alittle.  She looked at me sadly and pointing to the wall where a land line was. I made my way over and tried to Remeber Sarah's number. I couldn't for the life of me. The only number I knew was


Full kook •Topper Thornton• CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now