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I woke up and got dressed going to work yet again. Topper had told me he would take me because him and rafe was going.

"Bye jj." I said ruffling his hair and going out the door to topper car. "Good morning beautiful." He said kissing me. I smiled at the boy. "Good morning to you too."

"You and rafe go golfing a lot." I said as he drove down the road holding my hand. "It's always my idea." He said winking at me.

We drove down the long winding road to the country club, kook central. "See you on the course?" I said as he parked the car and I got out. He nodded and I leaned over my seat and kissed him. "Bye Stassie."

I walked inside the lobby and behind the desk. "Good morning ms. Jones." I said smiling at the lady. "Ah very good morning indeed stas." I grabbed the keys off the shelf and made my way to Jess. "So you and topper." She said twirling her pen. I rolled my eyes at the young girl. "I don't know what your talking about." She smirked at me and sent me a wink.

"Tweedle dee, tweedle dum." I stated seeing rafe and topper walk up. "Stas." Rafe said smiling. Topper leaned on the counter "I don't think I've ever seen you before her." Topper joked. I put on my thinking face and pretending to think real hard. "Hmm I haven't seen you around either. I'd think I'd Remeber a pretty face like yours." He nodding, thinking and I laughed alittle. Topper smiled and pecked my lips before turning to Jess and signing in. "Gross guy." Rafe mumbled. Jess raised and eyebrow at me and I laughed. "No dilly dally on the golf course." She said pointing between me and topper.


"Your less fun now that your dating stas." Rafe almsot wined lining up his shot. Topper stood next to me twirling my hair instead of conversating with rafe.

"Hey rafe why do you hang out with a bunch of 16 year olds anyway. Your 20." I asked leaning my head on topper shoulder. Rafe smirked alittle "oh please stas you enjoy my company more than anyone." He swung hit the ball.

I chuckled alittle bit. Topper pointed towards the direction of there hit balls "Onwards Baby."


"Hey stas I haven't heard from you in awhile." Sarah said on the phone. "How are you and jj? Better yet you and topper?" I blushed alittle bit. "We're actually really good. Jj even shook toppers hand." Sarah let out a laugh "wow. Honestly a surprise."

"I took topper to the light house." I stated and Sarah almsot gasped "you haven't even taken me there!" I laughed alittle. "Stas your in love." She said. I nodded even though she couldn't see me. "I'll talk to you later okay girly?"

I hung up the phone and immediately got another call. "Hey babe." I answered. I could almsot hear toppers smile "hey do you want to come over? My moms out of town and I have a pool." He said. I blushed lightly "Sure." "Okay I'll pick you up in 20." I smiled alittle "bye top."


I packed my backpack with a change of clothes, extra clothes in case I never left and my bathing suit, along with toiletries and such.

"Hey JJ I'm going to toppers to go swimming okay?" I said peaking my head into JJs room. He sent me a glare. "I do not want to be an uncle." He stated.

I groaned and rubbed my face "topper im not like you. I'm sure I'm probably an aunt by now." Jj thought for a second "probably."

"But hey just in case." Jj reached over to his drawer and threw me a strip of condoms. "JJ!" I yelled throwing them back at him. "Hey I'm just trying to help!" He said stuffing them back in his drawer. "Gosh your disgusting." A horn honked and I looked at jj "bye! Love you."

I ran outside before jj could say any snarking remark and got into toppers car. "Hey babe." I said pecking his lips. "Hey ready?" I nodded and we drove off to toppers house.

I had never been to the Thornton residence. It kinda made me feel alittle guilty because I new I would never have topper over to my house. Not John b where I crashed but to my house where my dad was. I knew I would never let topper meet my dad nor would I ever let my dad get close to topper. I wished I had a home to bring topper to. Maybe a mom he could meet and she could see how handsome he was. A dad to give topper his blessing and tell me 'good job Anastasia. You picked a good one. I'm happy for you and I love you'

I'm happy for you

I love you

But my family was JJ and John b and kei and Sarah and pope. And I knew for a fact they didn't like topper. They still were brainwashed by the kook vs pogues. That they were only acting because there little sister was the Rich princes girlfriend.

I'm happy for you

JJ has said it once. He was only happy because I was happy. Not because he liked topper. I've seen topper beat JJs face in and JJ best toppers face jsut as much.

"Hey you okay?" Topper said looking over at me. I got out of my trance and smiled "yeah sorry." He squeezed my hand alittle

Topper pulled into the driveway of his house and got it. "Wow this is your house?" I said. He chuckled lightly and grabbed my hand pulling me towards the door. "Yeah."

He unlocked the door and undid the alarm. "Beer?" He asked opening up a fridge. I was looking at the ceiling and the furniture. "Please." He opened up the top and handed it to me. I took a long sip and looked around. "Beautiful house." I stated. I made my way to the window and looked out side at the pool.

"We can go swimming now If you want." He said putting down his own beer. "Yeah lemme go change. Bathroom?" Topper pointed towards the bathroom and I went in changing into a bikini.

I walked out of the bathroom to see topper walking down the stairs in his own swim trunks. Again, washboard.

"Red is definitely your color." He said looking me up and down. I blushed alittle and rapped my arms around his waist and he put his over my shoulder. "Well you look good in everything except one thing." I stated looking up at him. He acted surprised "oh and what's that?" I smirked up at the boy. "I just don't think shirts look that good on you." I backed away looking him up and down. "Oh really?" He said smiling alittle. "Yeah I jsut think you should never wear
One." He walked back towards me and threw his arm over my shoulder and grabbed our beers handing me mine. He started walking outside. "I think you should always wear that too." I raised an eyebrow at the boy "oh really?" He nodded. "Oh yeahhh." He walked towards the pool and stopped putting his hands on my waist. "You would also look good wet." He said

He lifted me up quickly and threw me into the pool.

I fully sumerged and came up spitting out water. "Oh your good Thornton." I huffed slicking back my hair. I swam to the edge of the pool where topper squated down and smirked at me. I stood up on my tippy toes and kissed the boy. His hand went to the back of my neck and I smirked into the kiss pulling him into the pool on top of me.

He came back up and pushed his hair back. "Pretty good maybanks."

"Pretty good."

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