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"What are you wearing?" I asked topper as he picked me up from work for our 'pogue style' date. He held out his hands and looked down at his clothes. "I always wear this." I shook my head and kissed his lips getting into the car door he had opened. "You look like a frat boy and we need you to look like a pogue." She smiled at the boy. He sighed closing the door and getting in her car. "Stop by Johns house. It's on the way." I stated. Topper nodded grabbing my hand and drove to John bs.

I ran in the house and grabbed the cleanest clothes that jj had, changed out my my work uniform and ran back out. I threw the clothes at topper and he rolled his eyes. "No way I am wearing your brothers disgusting clothes." I looked at him and raising an eyebrow and he sighed undoing his belt and throwing off his shirt. Washboard abs May I add.

He slid off his shorts and pulled on jj. I held back a laugh looking at his outfit he was in. He looked like a pogue don't get me wrong but topper just didn't fit the pogue look. Much better off with the 'Chad at frat boy party' look.

"You look great." I chuckled and kissed him.

He narrowed his eyes at me. "I 100% look stupid." I smiled at the boy and shrugged. "To the wreck baby."


"You know we eat here too?" Topper said as I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the restaurant. "But it's my favorite and I get free food." I stated. "Kei!" I said as I saw kei wiping down the counters. "Hey stas." She looked topper up and down and laughed out loud. "Dang Thornton you look completely stupid." Topper rolled his eyes and I chuckled. "That's JJs shirt." Kei continued. "Yes know are you going to keep pointing it all out or are you going to seat us.Please" He snapped. I slapped his chest and glared at the boy. "What I said please?" I rolled my eyes at the boys poor manners.

"Well be in the back. And the normals are fine kei. Thank you." I said grabbing topper and walking to the outside back porch.

"Do I really look that dumb?" He asked looking down at his clothes. I shook my head "it's just never something you would wear."

He grabbed my hand from across the table and asked "so what are we doing next?" I smirked at the boy and shrugged "were going to go to my favorite secret spot."

He raised an eyebrow and smiled "secret huh?" I nodded. "I've never taken anyone there before." He smiled sweetly and Leaned over a kissed me. "Honored to be the first." I looked at the sun that was not going to set for awhile "we can only go at night tho."

"Here you go." Kei said putting down our food and drinks. "Thank you kei." Topper nodded and I sent him a glare. "Yeah thank you." He mumbled and kei laughed shaking her head and walking away.


We walked around on the beach until the sun was almost fully gone. "Can I drive?" I asked topper. He huffed and threw me the keys and got in the passenger seat. "Can you drive?" He asked and I stifled a laugh. "We'll see."

I started driving to my favorite spot In all of outerbanks. A lot of people knew it was here but didn't care to go to it. I thought it was amazing.

"Is this-" Topper said as I stopped the car. "The abandoned lighthouse that got destroyed in a hurricane 50 years ago? Yeah. Except the only this destroyed is the light." I said getting out of the car and starting to walk towards it. "Come on top." I said looking at the boy who was jsut staring.

We walked up the countless flights of stairs and eventually to the top. I helped topper up and I sat down on the floor, my legs dangling over the railing. "You can see everything up here." He stated looking around at the water.

"You Havent even looked up." Topper looked up in awe at the stars above. You could see maybe double here then on John bs peir.

"I use to want to go to college for this stuff." I said looking up. "For stars." Topper looked at me. He might have always been looking at me. "You don't want to anymore?" He asked. I shook my head, "I can't afford college first of all and" I sighed "I gotta take care of JJ. The second I'd leave he'd get into so much trouble." Topper nodded and looked back up at the stars.

"Hey there's a shooting star." He said pointing up. "It's actually just a piece of rock or dust that-" he turned towards me and cut me off "make a wish." I smiled at the boy and closed my eyes and made a wish. "well?" He said and I opened them. "I can't tell you. It won't come true."

"Well I can tell you mine." He said scooting over. I raised an eyebrow at him. "Because it already came true."

Full kook •Topper Thornton• CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now