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I let out a shaky breath and dialed JJs and let it ring. "Heyo." A voice said. "Hey jj It's me." I tried to steady my voice as much as possible.
"Stas are you okay?" He asked "who's phone are you on?" I nodded even though he couldn't see me. "Can you come pick me up? I know it's late but I don't know how to get home from here." I said my voice cracking. "Okay calm down me and John b are coming." "Okay im at baskin Robbins on the kook part of town. I think it's maybe 15 minutes Away from Sarah's? There a creek across the street." I said. "Be there soon." He hung up and I let out a shaky breath. And went to sit down on one of the chairs. "Here." The worker said handing me a small cup of chocolate ice cream. "You need it." She smiled sadly. I thanked her and ate it until Jj came.

Jj busted into the ice cream shop and I stood up and hugged him. "Come on." He said snd I said good bye to the worker and got in the back of John bs van. "I called Sarah she's going to run your stuff by in the morning." John b said. He started driving down the road and jj turned around on his seat. "What were you doing there?" He asked sternly. "Getting Icecream." I stated. He rolled his eyes at me. "Anastasia I'm
Not joking." I glared at the boy "I think you know what happened." He grunted and faces the front. "I'm gonna kill whoever it was." I looked out the window and choaked on a sob again. "Who was it." Jj asked. I shook my head.
"Who. Was. It." He said again. "No one important JJ. Now shut up." I yelled "please." I said alittle quieter. He stayed quiet now. "We're not done talking about this."

When we got to John bs house I went to the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the fridge and the pack of cigarettes on the counter and went to the front porch.

I lit the cigarette and opened up the beer and sighed. I didn't smoke or drink like jj but I was related to him so sometimes I did.

"Hey." John be said coming to sit next to me. "Hey." I stated not moving my gaze from straight infront of me.

"do you wanna talk about it." He said. I shrugged "nothing to talk about." I took another drag of cigarette.

"It's eating you up." He said taking a sip of my beer. "Just me being stupid." I scoffed at my self. "I didn't know you liked anyone." He stated. "Well I did and then he asked me on a date and I was so stupid enough to say yes and he kissed me. John b he kissed me. I know that's not a big deal for you and jj but it is for me. And then he went to the bathroom" I took a sip of my beer. "And never came back."

John b looked at where I was looking and then looked at me. "Im sorry." I scoffed and threw my cigarette out the ground stepping on it. "Me too"


I woke up to that stupid rooster agian. "Can't I have one day to sleep in!" I yelled putting the pillow over my head. "Stas your work starts in 20." Jj said looking at a news paper. "Not. Going."

"Yeah you are. And I got you a driver for the day." John b said walking in. I groaned. "Not you John-" he held his hands up "Sarah." He said alittle hurt. I sighed standing up and grabbing my uniform and went to the bathroom and got ready. "Bye." I said. "She didn't say bye losers. This must be really pain." Jj said to John b and I flipped him off walking out the door. "And the middle finger. She's not okay." John b said. It sounded like a joke but I knew it wasn't. Bye losers Is something I said every day before going to work and I never flicked jj off because I concidered it very rude.

Sarah ran out of her car and hugged me.
"I'm so sorry babe." I sighed and hugged her. I don't think I had any tears left. I don't think I was so upset about the rejection more of the embarrassment. And maybe the rejection. Okay a lot of rejection.

"It's okay." I said pulling away. "I'm all good."

She smiled sadly at me. "Just to let you know I gave rafe a living nightmare." I chuckled and got into her car. It was silent except for the quiet music. Once we pulled into the country club I thanked her and grabbed my bag from last night and went inside. "Good morning stas." My boss said. "Morning." I said grabbing the keys off the shelf. "You okay sweetie?" She asked looking up from her work. I nodded and looked into my bag for my phone. "I'm okay. Just tired sorry." I looked at the messages from my phone. "Do you wanna work the coffee shop instead this morning?" She asked. If there wasn't a lot of customer or too many caddies one person worked the coffee shop. I nodded and thanked her

Sarah- what's happening?

Sarah- are you Okay?

Sarah-yall are doing it!

Sarah- John b called me:/

Rafe- 😘

Topper- i didn't want to


Jj- hey hows Sarah's?

Kei- who did it.

I didn't even tell kei. How did she find out. Maybe she has a third sense or somthing. I took a deep breath and put my bag in a locker and walked up to the front desk. And grabbed an apron. "Coffee shop? Aww lucky." Jess wined clicking the pen over and over.

I smiled the girl and patted her back, walking over it the coffee shop in the lobby. I made my self am iced coffee with a lot of espresso shots and sat on the bar stool.

I rolled my eyes seeing topper and rafe walking in from the doors. The best thing to do was pretend nothing happened. Deny deny deny.

"Tweedle dee, tweedle dumb. What can I get for y'all." I said smiling alittle. Rafe and topper exchanged a glance. "Iced mocha." Rafe said. "And I'll have an iced coffee. Black." Topper said. Rafe patted toppers back. "I'll go sign in"

I started making there coffees when topper coughed alittle "listen stassie about last night I-"  I smiled at the boy and handed him the iced black coffee and started on Rafes.
"I honestly don't care." I said smiling a big smile at the boy. Gosh he was so cute.

"It wasn't my idea." Topper stated. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the mocha syrup. "It was just Rafe and Kels being dumb." I continued to make Rafe drink not paying anything to him.
"Will you listen to me!" He huffed. "Like I said. I don't care." I starting mixing the drink and topper looked around for a second then looked back at me.

"I really do like you stas."

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