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Months later

"I never thought I was going to have to miss you." I muttered hugging John b. "Thank you for all you've done for me and Jj." He was to tuff to cry but I was crying like a baby. "Love you stas." He said pulling away.

Pope and Sarah were at there own college unpacking and settling there selves in.

I hugged kei and she had tears spilling too. "I'll miss you." She said. I nodded into her shoulder "well call every night."

"Ready?" JJ asked and I nodded whipping my tears. "Love you guys."


Once we got to my new home for the next 4 years jj helped me bring in the few boxes I had. He helped me set up dorm.

"Hey is this 17?" I turned to the voice and laughed "Jess?" A small world it was. "Oh my gosh stas!" My old coworker laughed and hugged me. "What's the chances of that?" I laughed and she shook her head "slim."

Jj clapped his hands together. "Well it seems it's my time to leave." He said popping on his sunglasses. I forgot about jj.

I pulled him into a hug and tears fell yet again. "JJ don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." I laughed alittle. He sniffled and I figured he was crying himself under his sunglasses. "Can't promise anything." He muttered pulling away. "I love you JJ. Thank you for being my brother and encouraging me to go to college." I smiled sadly at the boy. "Love you to stas." He sniffed again. "Ima go before I cry like a baby Infront of your hot friend." He mumbled and hugged me one more time before saying bye and leaving the dorm.


I chose Business as my major.

I excelled in it naturally.

Me and Jess became more close than we already were. We talked at work but at work you don't share you private life.

When school wasnt clouding my mind, someone else was.


I met him a frat party me and Jess had went to and he was always on my mind. Clouding all my judgment and making me do stupid things so he'd like me.

He ended up liking me and dated me for a few months. It wasn't paradise but it was nice

But in the end frat boys were still frat boys and I cought him hooking up with some chick in my dorm room on my bed. I sighed and pointed towards the door signaling them to leave.

The thing is I wasn't even sad or disappointed I just wanted them to do it somewhere else besides on my bed. JJ came up in visited me on holidays. It was hard to not have a car and be able to drive home on the weekends. It was hard not seeing my friends. But I stayed at the dorm for mostly all 4 years. I came home in the summer but went back early so I could finish early.

I wanted to become a reliator. Sarah's step mom has suggested it to me when I told her I didn't know what to be.


"JJ your coming to graduation right?" I said into the phone. "Of course I am." I smiled alittle even though he couldn't see. "I'm proud of you stas."


I ran towards jj and jumped into his arms. "You did it stas!" He said laughing. "I can't believe I did it!" I laughed and hugged John b who was next to him. "Oh my gosh Johnny I missed you!" I hugged him tight "congrats stas."


Jj helped me unpack my dorm and deja vu hit me and it felt like the day, 4 years ago I was moving in.

Rose had recommended me at her work and I had an interview with the company when I got back home.

"Ready?" Jj asked. I nodded and closed the dorm room


Topper and I never talked from the day we broke up with each other. He was on the back of my mind constantly. Any time I walked into a frat party as saw any guy in shorts and a tshirt remined me of him. The bracelet he has given me still laid untouched on my wrist for the past 4 years.

Sometimes I would look on social media to see how he was doing. He was in his own frat. Some part of me thought that maybe I'd see him at a party. But I never did.

Topper looked happy. Maybe I did make the right choice, for his sake at least. The boy who was my person would never replace anyone else that came into my life.

But it seemed I had ben replaced


"Sarah!" I yelled hugging her hard and she screamed. "It's been so long stas." She said. "How are you! How was college, how was life?" I asked pulling away. "Amazing! You?" I nodded In agreement.

This same interaction happens with pope and kei but it almsot felt fake. The friends who were so close had grown apart. They were grown up now. I was 22 and looking back as us when we were 16 looked as though we would never be separable.

For crying out loud rafe was married! The older boy was already 26 and had a beautiful wife who kept him grounded. John b told me he was close to proposing to Sarah too. He showed me the ring and it was gorgeous, perfect for Sarah.

Pope was going back to college to get his masters and kei was going into politics.

And then there was Jj. Jj hadnt changed one bit and it Almost scared me. This 22 year old was doing the same irresponsible stuff as as his 16 year old. I wouldn't have expected anything else. He did get a job though, to be Able to sustain himself without my lousy paychecks.

Being back here. Being back in my childhood home felt, different. Pogues and kooks were passed on to the new kids and they were doing the stupid stuff we were doing when we were 6 years younger.

Outerbanks was still outerbanks

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