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A knock at the door sent JJ up from his seat and went to open it. He looked at a sleeping stas on the couch, tears covered her cheek. After she had yelled at Jj, she cried for the longest Jj had ever seen her. "Why dosnet he love me." She has mumbled into JJs chest.

Jj opened up the door and faced the boy who had caused the tears. He glared at the boy who glared back. "She's asleep." Jj stated. Topper huffed "well can you wake her up?" Jj shook his head "no. She's been crying about your lame self for the past 30 minutes. Your lucky I don't throw your body off that peir." Topper face soften alittle, "can you jsut give her this when she wakes up?" He said giving Jj a box. "You know she's not your charity case." Jj said not accepting the box. "Just give it to her Jj!" Topper huffed rubbing his face forcing Jj to hold the box. "Thank you." He mumbled and walked back to his car. "Jerk."


I woke up groggily to see Jj reading the magazine I had already read. "There getting a divorce." I mumbled. Jj threw the magazine on the table "dang it stas I was getting to that part. Ruin the whole story."

"Jerk uno dropped that off." Jj said point to the box on the table. I rolled my eyes and ripped the card off the top.

You mean more to me than anyone else. I want to show you off tonight at the midsummers if you'll accompany me.
~ Topper

I smiled at the note alittle but rolled my eyes at the weak apology. I opened up the box and gasped. "How-" I mumbled picking up the red dress out of the box.

"Woah." Jj said looking at the dress.

"I tried this on in the store while I was waiting for Sarah. How did he know I wanted it?" I asked Jj who shrugged. At the bottom of the box was another box which I opened and revieled a thin S ring. "Hey it matches your necklace." Jj said.

I smiled and looked at the time. "Crap I need to get to Sarah's asap! I need shoes and makeup and-"

Jj our his hands on my shoulder "I'll get John b keys and we can go over there okay?" He said and I nodded and called Sarah and telling her everything.

"I'll be in the van. Get your stuff." He said and walked outside. I nodded and hung up with Sarah. I smiled looking at my phone and dialed toppers number.

"Hi." He said into the phone. "How." I whispered in disbelief. I could almsot hear his smile from the other end "I had alittle help." I smiled thinking about the old lady working.

"Thank you. Really thank you topper." I said. "Anything for you princess." He said. "I'm going to be at Sarah's do you want me to meet you there?" I asked. "If you could. I have something to get before I go."

"I love you." I said. "Love you to princesses I'll see you soon."


"Aghhh it's gorgeous!" Sarah yelled holding up the dress smoothing it out. "Isn't it? Andddd I got this ring to match my necklace." Sarah awed looking at the ring. "He really outdid him self." I nodded "well he was in deep." Sarah smirked "true."

"I'll get ready first if you want if you want your hair do stay longer." I volunteered and Sarah agreed sitting me down in the chair. "Your going to make topper weak at his knees."


Me and Sarah looked at each other in the mirror. These heals were already hurting my feat and I had just stood up. "We look gorgeous." She said twirling her dress.

"Girls it's time to go." Mr. Cameron said knocking on the door. I grabbed my purse and hugged Sarah "thank you!" My heals clicked walking down the stairs to the Main room. "You look beautiful stas." Rose said. I smiled at her. "Thank you! And so do you."

"Stas." Rafe said from behind me. I turned and and smiled at the boy. He cleaned up nice. "Tweedle dee." I said laughing. I pulled him into a hug and he hugged back. "Sorry if I seemed cold at lunch." I whispered and he pulled away and sent me a wink saying it was okay.

"Ready?" Sarah asked looking at her watch. I leaned on wheezie and she pushed me off. "Ready."


Me and Sarah road in her car and we met up with Sarah's parents.

"My parents want me to walk in with them." Sarah said getting out of the car. I nodded. "I'm going to go around back and fine topper." I hugged her. "Have fun!" She said and ran off towards his parents car.

I held my dress up a tad and walked towards the venue, Heels clicking with every step.

"Drink?" The waiter said as soon as I stepped into the venue. "Please." I said grabbing a flute and thanking the waiter. I walked around looking for topper when I found kei isntead. "Kei?" I asked. Sometimes I forgot she was rich. "Oh my gosh girl you look stunning." She said as I walked towards her. "Yeah new dress." I said laughing. "Where's lover boy." I shrugged and looked behind me. "You look gorgeous too by the way." I said to kei.

We talked for awhile before kei got distracted behind me. I turned around and made eye contact with topper. Kei smirked and turns me around slapping my butt. "Go get em."

I walked up to topper and smiled. "Hi." I said. He held both my hands and backed away from me looking me up and down "dang." He whispered and I laughed. "I can't believe your all mine baby." He whispered kissing my lips softly. I raised and eyebrow and him and he sighed "im sorry for avoiding you. I'm not ashamed of you it's my mom." He said with almost pleading eyes. I smiled at the boy. "Apology accepted." I pecked his lips.

"Now. Dance with me lover boy?"

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