jj | stranded

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I woke up and picked up my phone, checking the time. We were going out on the boats today, and John B had specifically told me not to wake up late. Which of course, is exactly what I did.

I walked out of my room expecting everyone to have left without me and prepared to spend a whole day my myself. But to my surprise, JJ was sitting on the sofa waiting for me.

"Took you long enough to wake up." he laughed.

"You guys haven't left yet?!" I asked, confused because they usually just go without me if I'm late.

"Oh, they've all gone, but I figured I'd wait for you and then we could take a boat and go meet them when you were ready." he stated.

"Awh, such a sweetheart." I said, winking at him.

He jokily rolled his eyes and laughed. "Alright, let's go then."

"Wait, I need to change!" I quickly realised, as I looked down to see I was still wearing just JJ's t-shirt.

"Is that... my shirt?" he questioned.

"Um.. You left it here so I just decided to wear it?" I tried to justify myself.

"Hm... Okay." he smirked, gesturing for me to go get dressed.

I quickly put on a navy bikini and put some denim shorts over the top. I got my vans on, picked up my phone, and was finally ready to leave.

We got onto the boat and he drove it out. I looked around and realised we'd never gone this way before.

"Are you sure you know where we're going?" I asked, uncertainly.

"Sure I do." he replied. It didn't sound very reassuring.

We kept talking about random things, and having a nice conversation, until the boat's engine suddenly stopped. I jumped to the back, to check what was going on. JJ checked the mechanics near the front.

"Oh. The alternator isn't... alternating anymore." he said.
( i'm gonna find ways of sneaking his quotes into these stories i'm incredibly sorry )

"Well how far are we from everyone?" I questioned.

"I have absolutely no idea. The entire mechanical side of this boat has just shut down. Look, even the gps has stopped working." he explained.

"What are we supposed to do now?" I wondered.

"We could try calling someone?"

"I doubt we'll have any signal but I'll give it a go." I picked up my phone and tried to call John B, Kie and Pope. The signal failed on all of my attempts.
We could see the shore slightly, but we were way too far to swim or do anything about it.

We instead decided to just wait. We couldn't do anything else, and honestly our best bet was to wait for another boat to pass and ask them for help.

We sat on the deck, and of course it was boiling hot weather. We had no breeze or anything and we were both absolutely melting.

"It's so hot today. Trust us to have our boat break down on what feels like the hottest day of the year." I sighed.

"Come on let's swim." JJ said, taking off his vest and holding his hand out to help me get up.
I took my shorts and shoes off so I was just in my bikini, and held his hand.

We both jumped in together and when we bobbed up again, burst out laughing.

"This is better." I giggled.

JJ paused for a second and stared at the water behind me. "Oh my god, Y/n it's a shark." he said, with panic in his voice.

I jumped onto him, hooking my legs around his waist, my arms around his neck, and my head buried into his chest while closing my eyes. He then grabbed hold of my hips and held me close to him. For living at the beach, it was a bit strange for me to be so terrified about sharks, but I couldn't help it.

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