rudy | video games

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I waited for Rudy to come home from work. He was filming season 2 of Outer Banks and they wanted to get it finished as soon as possible, so most nights he would come home pretty late.
I wasn't too obsessive over him though, and I was more proud of everything he had done, so I didn't mind waiting.

It was nearly 11pm and he still wasn't home, so I quickly texted him.


hey, are u gonna be home soon? x

Literally one more scene I promise x
I'll be like 20 mins x


I still hadn't eaten dinner incase he was gonna come back, so I called Drew, who was my cousin and also lived upstairs in my building.


(phone conversation)

You: Hey Drew, are you at work?

Drew: They didn't need me today so I'm home. You okay?

You: Yeah, Rudy's not home yet and I'm pretty hungry...

Drew: I made dinner for me and Austin. Did you want some leftovers?

You: That would be great, can I come over really quick and pick it up?

Drew: Course you can, see you in a bit.

You: Bye!


I grabbed my keys and phone, threw on a hoodie, and got on the elevator to go up to Drew's apartment.

He opened the door.

"Well hello there." he greeted me.

"Hiya, so what kinda leftovers is it?" I asked.

"We had good old chicken nuggets and fries. So you've got the rest of them." he chuckled, knowing how much I love them.

"Thank you! I'm gonna go wait for Rudy now, he said he'll be home soon."

"Are you sure you don't wanna come in for a bit?" he questioned.

"No it's alright thanks, I'll call you if I need anything else though I promise."

"As long as you do. I'll see you later." he smiled, as he closed the door.

I got back into my apartment and ate my food on the sofa, while scrolling through instagram and watching all the edits people had made of Rudy and I.

Before I knew it, the door opened and in came a very exhausted Rudy.

"Hey! You alright?" I smiled.

"Hey, I literally ran up here. I'm so sorry I'm late, they wanted to keep shooting until we got it one hundred percent right and-" he vented.

"It's okay, you're home now. And I understand, you don't need to explain everytime." I giggled.

"You wanna do something together?" he questioned.

"Yeah, um..." I thought about what we could do.

"Ooh do you wanna play video games?" he suggested.

"YES. You choose which one though, or I swear I'll make us play Mario Kart." I laughed.

"I swear I love Mario Kart, but can we play this?" he asked, holding up 'Uncharted 4'.

"Course we can," I smiled, throwing a controller at him.

"Nope. You're playing." he grinned, throwing the controller back at me.

"But I have no idea how-" I began.

"I'll teach you. Come, sit." he said, as he pat his legs.

I sat on his lap and he put his arms around me to hold the controller by putting his hands over mine. He rested his chin on my shoulder and explained how to play, aswell as showing me on the controller.

We were about 20 minutes into the game when a new character came in.

"Look! The evil guy is called Rafe. What a coincidence." I giggled.

"That actually is a coincidence. I might ask Jonas if that's where they got it from." he laughed.

We continued to play the game and obviously I kept dying, so he took over and I just watched him concentrate, while I drew patterns with my finger on his chest.

"I love you." I mumbled, as I started to fall asleep.

"I love you too baby." he smiled, as he watched my eyes close.

I heard him turn off the console and felt his arms wrap tightly around me like I was a teddy bear or something.

And these kind of moments were exactly why I didn't mind him being out for the whole day. Because he always, ALWAYS managed to make up for it.


hey! i decided to do something a little different for this, as you could see by using rudyyy

i'll probably do drew next, so sit tight ;)

sorry this is a bit shorter than the others, i wanna how you guys are gonna react to having the actors instead of the characters and go from there!

ive also seen that i have like 400+ reads and i know i say this everytime but it makes me so happy and i appreciate it all so much!!

thank you everyone! <3


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