jj | we all have a thing for her [ 3/5 ]

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{ i know lots of people skip to the character/s they like the most (i literally do it aswell) but for this little series it kinda doesn't make sense if you don't see the others because they all link together, but if you don't wanna do that, i get it, it just might be a bit confusing! thank you! }


I sat at the table in The Wreck (Kie's parents' restaurant) and ate my food alone. Kie was working and came over from time to time to talk to me, but honestly I was okay with being by myself for a while. It seemed like every time I tried to talk to one of the guys, they got pissed off and then admitted their feelings to me, and it's literally only Wednesday. But even after the dramatic couple of days I had had, it wasn't gonna stop there.

I suddenly heard a voice from behind me.
"Why are you eating alone?"
I turned around to see who it was, worried it would be some creepy man who had nothing better to do except from stalking teenagers, but luckily for me, it was just JJ.

"Ugh. Everything's just been so dramatic recently, it's kinda nice not having anyone around." I replied.

"Oh. I guess I'll go then." he breathed.

"Don't be stupid, sit down." I answered, gesturing to the seat next to me.

"So do you wanna talk about it?" he asked.

I exhaled, "I wouldn't even know where to start."

"Well what happened with John B?"

I explained to him everything that had happened with John and then moved on to talk about what happened with Pope.

"Oh yeah, he told me about that..." he mumbled.

"Are you okay?" I questioned, as he ran his hands through his hair.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. So is it awkward between you guys or..?" he said, and I knew that he was avoiding telling me how he really felt.

"No not really. But let's not change the subject, I've known you all of my life and that's how I'm sure you're not okay right now."

"Yeah well as you said, there's a lot going on." he answered.


"I don't want to... yet."

"Okay. I understand." I sighed, as I spotted Kie walking over.

"Oh hey." she said to JJ. He didn't speak, he just briefly lifted his hand from the table to greet her.

"What's up with him?" she whispered quietly to me, and I just shrugged.

"I'll find out eventually." I smiled, and Kie made her way back over to the kitchen.

"Do you wanna go out on the boat?" he suggested.

"Now?" I questioned, and he nodded. "I mean sure yeah okay."

"Right let's go." he declared, standing up and grabbing my hand, leading me out of the restaurant.


We sat out on the deck of the boat staring up at the sky.

"I love this island so much." I said, leaning back and turning to JJ, who was looking down and not paying attention, "Hello? Earth to JJ?"

He suddenly snapped out of his trance. "Oh. Sorry."

"Please tell me what's going on."

"I really really like you Y/n. I have since we were young." he told me.

"What? When?" I smiled.

"Remember before we dropped out of school, the teacher called you an idiot, and then you got up and walked to the front, did the most difficult math problem on the board in less than 2 minutes, and left her jaw dropped as you walked out of the room and never came back?" he chuckled.

"Yeah of course I remember, that was the peak of my confidence." I giggled, "What about it?"

"That. That's the moment I knew I had feelings for you."

I didn't know what to say. Unlike Pope and John B, I had history with JJ and there was no denying that I kinda liked him too.

The problem with me is that I lose interest when people gain interest. And the ones that paid no attention to me, I was most attracted to. It's weird, I know, but I couldn't help it. I barely ever got into relationships, because as bad as it sounds, I was always really scared I'd be with someone I really liked, who really liked me, and that I would lose feelings.

That's when I realised that JJ was still patiently waiting for me to answer him.

"Sorry, got lost in my thoughts for a sec." I said.

"Do you wanna tell me what you're thinking?"

"I like you too..." I began.

"Why do I feel like there's gonna be a 'but' to this sentence?" he grinned.

"I'm not great with relationships, J. Even if I like the guy to the ends of the earth and back, I still have random moments where I feel like I'm not interested in them, and until I get over that, I don't want you to be on the receiving end." I explained.

"Honestly I don't care if I'm on the receiving end. If you say you like me, you have to at least try."

Now part of my mind thought that he sounded pretty desperate but I also knew that it was more likely gonna be that he doesn't want me to go off with other people. It was gonna be hard but I was prepared to give it a go. I think.

"Okay, yeah let's do it." I smiled, and he picked me up by the waist and started spinning me
around. We both burst out laughing and he put me down. Maybe this wasn't gonna be so bad?


I walked home with a smile on my face. It was surprisingly refreshing to have one person on your mind and not be stressing that you'll never find anyone. But as always, I got lost in my thoughts and stopped paying attention, walking right into the guy in front of me.

"Woah, do you wanna watch where you're going?" the voice said.

I looked up to see Topper, but he hadn't realised it was me yet, and was brushing the dust off of himself.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention and I-" I blurted out, but he cut me off.

"Y/n? I'm so sorry, if I knew it was you, I wouldn't have snapped. How are you doing?"

"I'm good, uh, what are you doing in the Cut?" I asked, knowing he absolutely hated on this side of the island.

"Well erm, I actually came to see you."


oooh what's gonna happen next ;)
i had this idea and i've spent so much time thinking about it now that i really hope you're liking it hehe

thank you! <3


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