jj | popcorn

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JJ and I had been dating for 4 months now, and were still at the cute, romantic stage. I was so lucky to have him, and I loved him so much.

It was just us two in the Château, because everyone else had left to go out to help Kie at The Wreck, which was her parents' restaurant which she worked at every other day.

"So what do you wanna do?" I asked.

"Hm. Do you wanna cook something together?" JJ suggested.

"Erm. I can't cook. You normally do all of the cooking because I burn everything." I reminded him.

"Ah yeah that wouldn't be good would it." he laughed.

"So what else?" I wondered.

"We could... watch a movie?" he said.

"YES." I jumped up, swung my arms around his neck, and hooked my legs around his waist.

"So what should we watch?" he chuckled, lifting me up and sitting both of us down on the sofa, so I was sitting on his lap facing him.

"Hmm.. I don't mind. You can choose." I smiled.

I'm honestly not sure what he chose, something a bit older, not one of the newer movies. But we were kinda watching each other instead of the TV, so...

He slowly edged closer to my face until our lips were nearly touching, until I grinned and said, "You want popcorn?"

He pulled his head back and gave me an 'are you kidding me' look. I giggled.

We both got up off of the couch and made our way to the kitchen. I was quite short and couldn't reach the top shelf of the cabinet above the countertop, but I still tried to get the popcorn bag that was there, going up on my toes and reaching up as high as I could.

I suddenly felt his arm come up behind me and reach over my head, easily taking the popcorn packet off of the shelf.

"My hero." I joked.

"What would you do without me huh?" he laughed.

We put the popcorn kernels into the microwave and waited for it to be done. He grabbed my waist and sat me on the counter. Coming closer again, he tried to steal a kiss from me, but everytime I kept teasing him so he couldn't.

"Hey! Stop it." he said, getting jokily frustrated.


"Popcorn!" I giggled, jumping off of the counter and opening the microwave.

"I swear to god, you're gonna make me go insane." he rolled his eyes, and laughed.

I pulled the bag out, and put all of the popcorn into a bowl. We sat back on the sofa again, and I was sitting on his lap sideways, so his feet were on the floor and my legs were laying on the seat next to him.

"Look see if you can get the popcorn in my mouth." he said.

I tried to throw one, but it missed and fell on the sofa. We seemed to both be drunk, but we hadn't had any alcohol, and neither of us could stop laughing.

He tried to throw a piece to me, but I wasn't prepared, and my mouth wasn't open completely, so the popcorn got stuck on my lips. I laughed through my nose and he reached forwards, kissing me and pushing the popcorn into my mouth at the same time.

After he pulled away I gasped. "I cannot believe I didn't see that coming."

"You made me wait too long." he smirked.

"Right, come here." I said, crashing my lips onto his again.


After a couple hours of briefly watching the movie, and more kissing, we had finally gotten tired and fallen asleep.

I woke up, laying on his chest with his arms around me, and popcorn all over the chair and the floor.

"Oops." I giggled under my breath.

"Oh good, you're awake!" John B said, forcefully.

"Uh oh. What have I done now?" I asked.

"Have you seen the mess you two left in here?!" he lectured.

I rolled my eyes. "Damn, I was gonna clean it up but then we fell asleep. Look I'll do it now." I said, getting up off of the sofa and heading towards the kitchen to clean up the popcorn we had spilt. "Bossy." I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?" John B interrogated.

"I said it's messy?" I replied, innocently.

He left the cabin to go and sit outside, and JJ woke up as I was just finishing off tidying up the living room.

"Morning beautiful!" he smiled.

Every morning without fail, he would greet me with those exact words.

"Heyy." I answered, giving him a little kiss on the cheek.

"Were you actually tidying?!" he questioned.

"John B was actually watching me after he told me to clean up." I laughed.

"Ah, I'm sorry I wasn't awake to help you." he apologised.

"No it's fine, look it's all done now anyway." I smiled, gesturing to the now clean kitchen.

He laughed in response. "The movie was so good last night don't you think?" he asked, knowing fully well that in total, we watched maybe 5 minutes of the 2 hour long movie.

"It was incredible, so amazingly directed." I played along, imitating a posh person.

He replied, "Would definitely do it again."

"Best movie night ever." I whispered, with a smile on my face.


this one was a bit shorter than usual sorry!
i hope you all enjoyed, and thanks so much for the reads and votes, i really appreciate them!

i think jj is a favourite for most people, including me, so don't worry, you should all expect more soon ;)

thank you! <3


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