rafe | secret

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* contains spoilers from episode 10 (season 1), if you haven't seen it all i really recommend it because i don't want to ruin it for you :( *

- has a little bit of smut -

It had been a while since the last Outer Banks party, and to say I was excited for this one would be an understatement. Several times a year, everyone would come together and have a party. It didn't matter if you were a Kook or a Pogue, everybody was there, and it was ALWAYS eventful.

I was in the middle of the two sides. I didn't live in the Cut or Figure Eight, just kinda in between. My best friends were Pogues but my boyfriend was a Kook. They hated each other, so we kept our relationship a secret and no one knew. Nobody suspected anything most of the time, but I had to come up with excuses for why I couldn't hang out sometimes, and sometimes I was put on the spot and the reasons ended up being really shitty, which got them asking questions.

The party was starting in an hour, so I put on my outfit, which was a black denim skirt with a white t-shirt loosely tucked in, and some white sneakers. I put on the necklace that Rafe, my boyfriend, had gotten me, did my makeup, and left my house. My family were all going too, but I wanted to meet up with my friends before they could come over and interrupt everything.


I arrived shortly after and admired the view. The party was being held on the beach, with tables and chairs all set outside a restaurant on the deck. It had pretty fairy lights everywhere and the whole scene was perfect. It was sunset and it was a warm night, with a gentle sea breeze that swept across my face. I looked around and immediately saw my friends, JJ, John B, Pope and Kie.

"Hey look who it is, what's up Kogue." JJ greeted, walking over to me and giving me a quick hug.

I laughed. "Kogue? When did you come up with that one?!"

"Well I mean, you're kinda a Kook, but also a Pogue, and we didn't have a name for you so you're now a Kogue." he explained.

"Hm. Interesting." I replied with a smile. "I'm gonna go get a drink."

They all nodded and I walked over to the stall which was tucked away slightly around the corner. As I stood there and took a sip from my can, someone put their hands on my shoulders.

"Guess who."

I laughed. "I really hope it's who I think it is, or that's really embarrassing for me."

I turned around to see Rafe smiling at me. He was much taller than me, so I had to reach up to give him a quick kiss to greet him.

"I love your necklace. I wonder who got that for you." he winked.

"He's so sweet isn't he?" I giggled, looking down at the pendant on the chain.

"Definitely. Are your friends here?" he asked, looking around.

"Yeah but they can't see us here."

"They can't?" he smirked, as he pulled me towards him.
I tried to speak between kisses.
"Rafe...What are... You doing?" I smiled.

"I just want you all to myself."

"As flattering as that is," I chuckled, pulling away from the kiss and holding my hands on his chest, "Anyone could easily come around the corner."

"Ah alright fine," he paused, "You're all mine tonight though."

I gasped as he slapped my ass and walked away without turning back, but I could just tell he had a big grin on his face. That forced me to accidentally spill my soda on myself, which left a splashed stain on my t-shirt.

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