Just act fricking normal

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The pogues sat under the shelter just outside John B's the day after peterkins visit. Kie was gently playing the bongos with pope sat opposite her. JJ was pacing back and forward and Riley was stood next to John B.

"Look I'm calling it off" John B announced to the group. "Peterkins said if I stay out the marsh she'll help me with DCS".

"And you believed her?" JJ spoke up. The whole group turned to look at him.

"Yes I believed her JJ" John B rolled his eyes.

"An actual cop John B you believed a cop" Riley could see JJ getting frustrated so she went over and slipped herself under his arm and wrapped her arms around his middle to try and calm him down. She felt him relax slightly.

"Look all we've got to do is stay out of the marsh for a few days and she'll help me out" John B began. Riley could already tell this was no going to end well "and it doesn't help it was your ass who was shooting a gun" he added.

Riley felt JJ tense up beside her again. She tried calming him again but it didn't work.

"You know what man I should have just let topper drown your ass, and kick Riley's" JJ said.

"How have I ended up being dragged into this?" Riley began but everyone ignored her.

"Yeah cus topper was gonna drown me" John B scoffed sarcastically.

"Sure looked like it" JJ retorted "I mean have you looked in the mirror recently?"

Riley sighed and went to sit next to Kie. She would just let them fight this one out.

"Come on tell me some more" John B started, clearly trying to purposely aggravate JJ.

"They always win!" JJ yelled suddenly "Kooks versus Pogues they always always win! goddamn!" JJ continued yelling, scuffing his shoe In the dirt out of anger as he shouted.

"It's okay!" kie shouted at him, trying to intervene but not with much luck.

"No it's not okay!" JJ shouted back "it is not! They don't want us to go down into the marsh because that means there's something valuable down there and you know it!" JJ pointed his finger into John B's face.
His voice suddenly calmed slightly "I know you do. And I understand why you don't want to go down," he said looking at pope "you're the golden boy" he then looked over to Kie "and you're rich as fuck anyway, but us John B, me you and Riley have nothing to loose!" He started shouting again "we really don't and I know it didn't used to be that way for you..." he began, avoiding John Bs eyeliner.

"JJ" John B stopped him " I don't want to talk about it. I don't" John B began to walk off. His voice was calm but there was a danger of this blowing up. Riley put her head in her hands and sighed. JJ was right, she had nothing to loose, but was it worth going into foster care for?

"John B listen to me I have a plan!" JJ shouted after him and began to jog to catch up with him "you got the key to Cameron's big boat right"

"No" John B lied quickly.

"There's scuba gear inside that. We just borrow that, go down to the wreck this afternoon. And that is what's gonna save you man. Save you and Riley" Riley lifted her head at the mention of her name. "You don't see rich kids going into foster care do you?" JJ asked the both of them now.

As much as Riley wanted him to be wrong. JJ was right. Stealing scuba was a bad idea. Going down to the wreck was an even worse idea. But somehow Riley knew that he was right. Rich kids don't have to couch surf, rich kids have stable homes, rich kids don't get their homes taken from them by the authorities when their parents die, and they definitely don't get threatened with foster care.

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