Its just you! Okay, its you!

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*trigger warning- self harm*

"Hey dad!" Kie called out as the pogues wandered into the wreck after a hard day stealing the drone. Each of them complaining about what they would do just for a bite to eat, so eventually kie gave in and said she'd convince her dad to get them food. Riley, pope, John B and JJ went over to a near table and stared as people indulged in their food, their mouths practically dripping with drool.

The teens then noticed Kies dad looking over, as John b, pope and Riley waved, and JJ gave him a peace sign.

"Sit down" kie said as she came over
The pogues were quick to follow her demand.

"Kie you are literally the best" Riley said to her. Kie smiled in response.

Kies dad bought out fries and burgers, and Riley swore to kie they were the best she'd ever eaten.

JJ leant over to pinch some of Riley's fries but she was quick to smack his hand away. Suddenly a song started playing on the radio that reminded Riley of last summer, no treasure, no stress, just her and her friends having a good time, all the time. She stood up, and pointed at John B, who pointed at himself in disbelief looking around, and he got up and joined Riley to dance.

Riley so badly wanted to ask JJ, but her nerves got the better of her. Her and John B swayed to the music, he spun her around as she giggled. Kie got up with pope as they danced too.

"You coming JJ?" Riley shouted to him over the music, as the boy stayed sat down.

"Nah I think I'm gonna head back for the night, stealing drones tires a man out" he said, but Riley could see something had pissed him off but she had no idea what, so with that, JJ stood up and left the wreck.

Riley looked at John B as if to question what it was all about.

"You do realise he has a thing for you?" John B asked the girl, shaking his head at her complete naivety.

Riley felt her cheeks start to burn up
"Not a chance. This is JJ we're on about" Riley tried to laugh off John Bs comment.

"We all secretly have a thing for you Lee, I thought you knew that. But I think JJs might be more than a little thing. I thought mine was for a while" John B smiled at her.

"For a while? I'm offended!! What's put you off?" She laughed, but she kind of felt awkward at John Bs confession.

"I've kind of got my eye on someone" John B confessed to her "I mean don't get me wrong I was hardcore crushing on you, but a mans got to realise when he's playing a losing game. I've seen the way you look at JJ. Anyway I've got a feeling my luck with this girl might be different" he smiled.

"Not kie-" Riley started but John B cut her off.

"No not kie. I am well and truly in the friendzone there. No, some other girl, you don't know her, I'm yet to make my move, but trust me I will" John B told the girl.

" so who is this mystery lady?" Riley asked him, genuinely curious as to who it was.

"You'll find out when the time comes" John B grinned at her, Riley shrugged, she so badly wanted to know, but accepted his answer for now.

* * *

"I am so tired" Riley yawned in the back of the van as she leant her head on popes shoulder as they pulled up to John Bs. the four teens climbed out the van, assuming JJ had walked back here and hopefully not his house.

They walked through the door to find him on the sofa with a beer, watching tv. "Hey guys" he waved as they walked through the door, avoiding Riley's gaze.

My Girl - JJ Maybank x female OC Where stories live. Discover now