Woogity woogity woogity

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"Well shit" Riley winced as she pulled herself up onto the boat with the help of John B.

"Riley what the fuck happened to you?" JJ said, suddenly noticing the girl in pain and rushing over to her

"Cool it Romeo it's just a jellyfish sting" Riley laughed at the boy, trying to mask the pain she was in. She forgot how much these motherfuckers hurt.

"Well someone's gonna have to piss on you" John B concluded.

"I would honestly rather spend the night with mrs Crain and her axe than have any of you assholes piss on me" she warned all the boys "please keep your dicks firmly in your pants" she pointed at all of them.

The four teens travelled back to John Bs, JJ fussing over the girl, causing a lot of suspicion from John B and pope, the two exchanging constant looks between them. They were used to JJ being overprotective over the girl but this was a whole new level.

"JJ bro Im good stop fussing, just roll me a joint for the pain" Riley told the boy, finding it funny yet sweet how much he cared.

"Okay, yeah, yeah sure a joint" JJ said frantically running into the spare room to find his supplies. Riley collapsed down on the sofa, clutching her side slightly, still wincing from the pain, but trying not to make it obvious to the others that it hurt that bad. John B grabbed four beers from the fridge and chucked one to each of the pogues as JJ came back into the living room with a spliff and a lighter, handing the spliff to Riley who placed it between her lips and signalled for JJ to light it for her.

JJ lit the spliff without breaking eye contact with the girl, finding it incredibly sexy the way she held it between her perfect lips. She smiled slightly as the paper lit and and she took a huge drag, breathing the smoke out her mouth and directing up to the ceiling with a sigh of relief from the pain, she took a few more drags to feel the buzz, she smiled as she felt that all too familiar feeling that felt like a long warm hug to her, before passing the spliff along to JJ.

"So what's the plan for tonight?" Pope asked the group, looking between them all.

"I heard there's a kook party if you fancy crashing?" JJ offered

"I'm up for it" Riley shrugged, the pain from the sting easing as the weed hit her system more.

"You really think that's a good idea? What with everything with Rafe?" John b asked, looking mainly at Riley to tell her it wasn't a good idea to let JJ near them.

"Yeah good point" she agreed, nodding "the wreck?" She offered.

"We won't be able to get free food without Kie" pope shook his head

"Oh shit yeah"

"Surfing?" John B offered and the rest of the group shrugged in agreement.

"Cool let me go change" Riley told the boys.

She headed into the spare room and changed into a black bikini, and let her hair down, she removed any bits of make up she had on and headed out into the living room.
"Cool let's go" John B said, chucking his empty beer bottle away.

The four headed outside where it had began to fall dark ever so slightly and grabbed their surfboards from outback.

They walked down to the beach, pope and John b in front, and Riley and JJ walking further back.

"How's the sting?" JJ asked the girl. He pretended to check the sting but she could tell he was looking at her ass.

"Hey Maybank if you want to stare at my ass you could just ask" Riley smirked at the boy.

My Girl - JJ Maybank x female OC Where stories live. Discover now