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Riley ran as fast as she had ever ran before to where she could see John B, Sarah, and ward on the air strip. Just as she reached them, the police car from earlier pulled up.

"Riley what are you doing?" John B said to her looking at her frantically and then pulling her into a hug.

"Pogues for life" she shrugged linking his arm, then turning to smile at Sarah who smiled back at the the other girl.

"You two gotta get out of here, you gotta-" Sarah began as the police car finally reached them. Sheriff Peterson got out the car and began walking towards them as Riley quickly tried to think of their next move.

"Oh Susan thank god you're here! I told you this boy! Completely out of his mind!" Ward began. Riley opened her mouth to argue with the man but the sheriff spoke first.

"Put your hands on your head" she told the man in a low dangerous voice as she walked towards him. Riley's eyes opened in disbelief as she turned to Face john B who was looking just as shocked as she was.

"Better do as she says kid" ward said to John B "and you" he said pointing at Riley with a disgusting smirk on his face.

"Think she's talking to you ward" John B said to him confidently as Riley gave him a sarcastic smile before switching to her resting bitch face again quickly.

"You're under arrest for the murder of John Routledge" Peterkin said, her gun pointing straight at ward, Riley let out a small laugh of relief. John B turned to her and smiled the biggest smile she'd seen on him in a long time. Sarah stood in front of both the pogues protectively.

Sarah let out a small whimper at the words, in shock that the dad she had always loved and looked up to was capable of such things. "I got you" John B whispered to the girl as ward protested his arrest.

"Are you kidding me sue?" He shouted at the woman, but her face stayed stone cold as she told him again "put your hands on your head"

Ward finally did as she said.

"Turn around" she shouted at the man and once again he obeyed.

He gave John b and Riley a death stare, but John B just gave him a confident nod and squeezed Riley's hand to comfort her as he could tell she felt uncomfortable. She did in any mans presence that wasn't pope, JJ or John B after what happened with Barry.

"Drop to your knees!" Sheriff Peterkin shouted at the man, and once again he did as she said.

"I don't like being used" the sheriff said to the man as she began to handcuff him "I've been waiting a long time for this"

But Riley knew all of this had been to plain sailing. Ward Cameron facing his crimes? Being arrested? In what world would that happen. Riley steadied her breathing as she thought more and more. This was happening. It was right in front of her, right now. But something was going to go wrong. She knew it. It was bound to.

Just then ward lashed out and turned round and began wrestling with the sheriff, trying to grab her gun. John B and Riley ran forward to help, as ward went forward to grab Riley, but Peterkin pushed him away from the girl and back down to the floor and pointed her gun back at the man.

As she did this, Riley spotted Rafe coming from behind the plane, and only had a few seconds to register he was holding a gun in his hand and was pointing it at the sheriff.

In those few seconds, Riley realised something. Her panic grew, as she debated her next move in the few moments she had to spare. If the sheriff was shot, no one would know what ward did. He would get away with it. John B would be in danger. And peterkin had always been there to protect her and John B and maybe it was time to pay her back. In those few seconds she made a choice. Maybe it was a stupid one. But she made it all the same.

She quickly pushed the sheriff out the way, and watched as John B and Sarah gasped.

A funny feeling grew in Riley's stomach, one she wasn't familiar with. She looked down and noticed the bullet had got her.

"Oh" she muttered as the colour drained from her face and she dropped to the floor.

It was an odd sensation, it didn't really hurt. It felt warm, like a hug from a person you didn't really like, and didn't really want to hug.

"Rafe. What did you do?" Ward asked his son in disbelief. After a few seconds John B had come to his senses as to what had happened and ran forward to cradle Riley in his arms, as the sheriff grabbed Rafe and handcuffed him and put him in the back of the police car.

She then radioed for an ambulance, as John B and Sarah leaned over Riley crying, as she looked up to them both and smiled, and began laughing slightly.

"Funny isn't it?" She said to them both "after everything. The one time I didn't plan to hurt myself" a single tear fell from her eyes.

"Hey hey hey. You're gonna be okay everything's gonna be okay!" John B told the girl as he held pressure down on her wound but the girl only shook her head.

"It's okay John B. It doesn't hurt I promise." She smiled weakly as she felt her eyes begin to close.

"You're not dying on me Riley! You hear me?" John B sobbed as Sarah sobbed next to him.

"I don't want to die" Riley breathed out in a shaky sob. John B shook his head, unable to find the words. "I don't want to die" she repeated. Riley looked down at the wound, and the blood covering her, John B and Sarah.

"You're not! You're not!" Sarah sobbed, shaking her head profusely and running her hand over Riley's hair.

"Peterkin! Do something! Help!" John B yelled, not knowing what else to do. Peterkin only gave John B a sympathetic look back. That was all the confirmation Riley needed.

"Will you do me a favour?" Riley asked sleepily as she took in every feature of John Bs face.

"Anything" he told the girl, moving the hair out of her face.

"Will you tell Pope and kie I love them? That- that they're my best friends in the whole word. Apart from you of course" she laughed slightly.

"I'm not gonna need to tell them Riley cus you're gonna make it!" He told her, nodding, pushing slightly harder on Riley's wound out of determination.

"And will you- Will you tell JJ, that I love him, please?" More tears fell from her eyes now thinking about JJ "and that he- he made me want to live?" She smiled and John B watched as her eyes glazed over, and a final tear fell from her eye.

"Riley!? RILEY?!" He yelled, slightly shaking the girl "Riley please just- just-" he sobbed

"John B-" Sarah cried, trying to pull the boy away from the girls body before them "she's gone" she pleaded with him but he stayed hugging his lifeless best friend.

The sirens of the ambulance appeared from the distance, getting louder, but they never reached John B's ears as everything around him had seemed to stop. They were too late.

Her eyes still open, but the glimmer that was once in them was gone, but the shadow of her last smile was still etched on her face. The once rosy cheeks were now pale, and her beautiful sun kissed face stayed frozen in time from 2 minutes earlier.
Riley was gone.

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