Keep calm and carry on

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Trigger warning - a real deep chapter . I'm putting words in caps and underlining between where to read from if you struggle with this stuff, and I'll summarise at the end. The rest of the chapter will still be deep but I'm sectioning off the really deep section for those who don't want to read it.

The next morning Riley opened her eyes and was blinded by the sun pouring in through the windows as it glared down onto her.

"What time is it?" She asked, her voice still sleepy as she stretched out and looked up to JJ who was already up and showered.

"Eleven. I tried waking you earlier but you wouldn't budge" he laughed at her tired and sleepy appearance "bed hair. cute" he pointed out, and Riley immediately reached up and flattened out her hair that had gone frizzy in the night.

"So what's happening today?" She asked as she pulled the duvet back up and over her.

"Well kie said something about some shitty outdoor movie thing if you fancy it, sounds like a pile of shit to me" he shrugged as he took a bite out of some toast.

"sounds good! It's been a while since we've all done something like that together!" Riley said, jumping up ready to get herself showered.

"Well about that John B is kinda MIA, I mean I'm sure he's fine but non of us have heard from him so it will just be the four of us" he told the girl.

"Oh okay cool. He probably needs time. He was really into the whole treasure hunt you know? I'm gonna go shower" she told the boy getting up and heading towards JJs bathroom. the boy immediately felt concerned, but let her go anyway.

She stripped down naked and stared at herself in the mirror thinking about the events from the previous night.

Her and JJ had shared a bed before so why did this time feel so different? Feel so much more intimate?

SHE looked around the bathroom looking for anywhere JJ might keep razors. She searched through a few cupboards and eventually noticed the drawers by the shower, opening it and finding a fresh pack of razors.

She took one out, snapped the plastic and took out the blade inside. She sliced through the skin on her wrists several times, more than she usually would, and switching to do it on the other arm.

She didn't know why she did it more than normal. Maybe it was the fear of the unknown. Or maybe it was that the emptiness at the bottom of her stomach was feeling slightly less empty than it normally felt, she was feeling an emotion she had never known before, and had no idea how to deal with it or how to cope. She hadn't felt as loved as she did last night since before her parents died and that thought terrified her.

She watched silently as the blood dripped down her arm, and into the sink, she swirled the sink out with water before finally jumping into the shower.

* * *

When Riley had finished showering she climbed out the shower and had another stare at her wrists. They were still bleeding, why were they still bleeding?

She wrapped a towel around her body and walked from the bathroom to JJs room, the room was empty, JJ must have left to let Riley get dressed.

She pulled the towel off her, and found yesterday's clothes and got dressed, planning to go to John bs and get changed before going to the outdoor movie. She got dressed and had another check of her arms. Still bleeding. What the fuck?

As she brushed through her hair she felt her head go fuzzy and the world around her go blurry.

She looked at herself in the mirror and noticed her skin had a green tinge to it. She stood up, and started making her way towards the door, but didn't get there, falling and hitting her cheek on the side of the dresser, making a loud crash as several things fell off it. She lay on the floor falling out of consciousness, hearing the door open.

My Girl - JJ Maybank x female OC Where stories live. Discover now