Author update-

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Hey guys I wanted to give you a little update on where I was at with the story, the pace I'm writing at and things like that.

Okay so when I first started the story, I was obsessed with reading fanfics and had never wrote one before, so the writing at the start of the story obvs isn't my best, but I feel like I'm getting more into it as I get further in.

Also when I first started, I enjoyed writing the first few chapters, and then I couldn't picture where the story was going, and found myself getting bored, and not enjoying writing it, however now I'm right in the nitty gritty of the plot, I'm loving writing it and finding myself looking forward to the next opportunity I get to write, meaning the chapters will literally be as frequent as I get to write, and hopefully more enjoyable to read as I'm enjoying writing them.

Bit of a life update- I'm currently at college Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 7:30 in the morning till 5:30 of the evening, and I'm working a part time job Mondays Tuesdays and weekends so my weeks a bit mad, so I struggle for writing opportunities, but I am gonna carry on trying to get 3 chapters done a week, but some weeks when I'm working more there may be a bit less.

Also, some of the storylines in my story are very deep, and in no way shape or form do I want to come across insensitive or trigger anybody. I have dealt with a lot of the issues I write about, and writing about them is a way for me to talk about my own experience, and get things off my chest, it helps me express my feelings. I think this means that having experience with it, I know how to write about these things, and how to explain the thought process of someone going through these issues, that being said, these mental health issues are obviously different for everybody, and different things trigger people in different ways, so if there is a different way you would like me to approach these issues, please don't hesitate to message me, but I won't be taking the issues out of the plot, as I think it's important to talk about these things, and to put real life issues into stories, to make it more authentic and to stop making tv shows or books look like an ideal life or a fairytale.

I have a fair idea about where I want to take the plot and Riley's character but If anyone has an suggestions or ideas or anything they want to see, please feel free to message me again.

Okay it's the 1st of august 2021 and I'm working my way through editing the story. I'm planning on starting a new obx story that includes season 1 and 2 when I've finished editing this. It will be a complete new character and have nothing to do with Riley or her plot. I hope the writing at the start is a lot better than it was before, and please forgive any spelling or grammar mistakes that are still in there


So I wrote and finished a whole other OBX story that got deleted :(((( very annoying it took me forever and I was super proud of it. I am thinking of perhaps making another, but in the meantime I have 3 stories ongoing on my profile. Non are finished yet but they are: saveable (shameless fic), Phosphorescent (marauders fic) and How to Exist (TWD fic). Phosphorescent and How to Exist are both very very very early on and I've only really just started both but I'm about halfway through saveable so please check these out if you're interested.

Thank you for your support xoxo

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